Chapter 02

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Chapter 02

"Good morning, my Lady!" greeted Kindallis as she walked through the door that lead to Arisu's bedroom. She held a tray with a teapot and a plate of french toast covered in syrup and sprinkled with a light layer of powdered sugar. She sat the tray down on a small table in the room's corner and walked to the large stained glass window. She pulled the sky blue velvet curtains apart and sunlight exploded throughout the room. The stained glass acted as a kaleidoscope, bathing the room in a soft and colorful glow. Arisu opened her eye in frustration. She mumbled something incomprehensible and pulled the soft light pink comforter over her head to block out the light.

"Today's weather is expected to be sunny so a lemon tea has been prepared along with a blueberry muffin and french toast with a light sprinkle of powdered sugar." Kindallis announced as she walked to where the tray sat on the table. She lifted the teapot up and poured a hot orange red liquid into a teacup with california poppies painted onto the sides. She took the lid off of a small bowl, picked up a small spoon and added a few teaspoons of sugar to the tea. She stirred the sugar until it evaporated in the tea. Then she placed the teacup onto a matching saucer trimmed with a golden edge and walked to where Arisu was trying to hide from life's problems.

"Why do you have to wake me up now?" mumbled Arisu from under the sheets.

"My Lady, it's only 8:30. You have asked to be awoken at this time." stated Kindallis.

Arisu peeked her head up from under the blankets.

"It's a bit early so can you wake me up at 9:00 from now on?"

"You used to wake up at 8:00. Then you asked to be awoken at 8:15. Even that was too early because you then requested to be woken up at 8:30." lectured Kindallis. "And now you ask to be awoken at 9:00! I apologize my Lady, but I will not allow you to do so. Your schedule has already kept you up later and later at night and a young girl like yourself needs plenty of rest."

Arisu slid further out from the abyss of blankets. She momentarily glared at KIndallis before taking the cup of tea from her. She examined the orange red liquid curiously before looking back at Kindallis.

"Have you added 4 teaspoons of sugar to my tea?" she asked innocently before taking a small sip.

Kindallis nodded.

"Yes, my Lady. Even though I believe that is too much sugar for somebody of your size."

Arisu swallowed and stared angrily at Kindallis.

"I am not that short. I am four feet and eleven inches!" she shouted out.

Kindallis chuckled softly.

"Alright then. Today's schedule starts at 10:oo when you have a voice lesson with Madame Diamante. After that, Mr. Dillions is teaching your piano lesson at 11:05. At 12:30, the governor's son, Mr. James Scrollin, has invited you to lunch at the Mirror Garden Building. From there you must quickly head over to the Kokoro Stitching headquarters to pick up your school uniform at 2:00 preferably. After that you have until teatime which will be held at 3:00 as usual. From then on you may do as you wish. Dinner will be at 6:30. Alex seems a bit excited so I trust that he has planned an exciting meal." she explained as she brought the rest of Arisu's breakfast over to her.

Arisu took a bite from the muffin. She placed the baked good back onto it's tray and looked at Kindallis.

"Why did you schedule two social events in one day?" muttered Arisu.

Kindallis frowned.

"Whatever do you mean by two social events? You only have the lunch with Mr. Scrollin." asked Kindallis. As she returned from retrieving Arisu's outfit for the day.

Arisu frowned as she took another sip of tea. "You know very darn well that any brief visit to the Kokoro Stitching Headquarters will end in a full blown gala!"

Kindallis grinned mischievously. "My mistake then."

Arisu quickly finished eating and Kindallis took the dishes away on the silver tray. Arisu rolled out of bed and layed on the floor until Kindallis helped her up.

"Try to be more dignified." Kindallis lectured as she began to unbutton Arisu's nightgown. Arisu sighed and stood quietly as Kindallis helped her get dressed into a high collared white shirt and a light blue high waisted skirt that fell to a little below her knees. Kindallis wrapped a sky blue ribbon around Arisu's neck and tied it into a neat bow. She fastened a black pearled brooch to the bow's knot and then pulled knee high white socks onto Arisu's small feet. She then slid black lowed heeled shoes onto Arisu's feet and then began styling the young girl's long caramel hair.


"Yes my Lady?" answered Kindallis.

"Should I cut my hair?" Arisu calmly asked.

Kindallis froze mid brush. She stared at the young mistress's long, silky hair.

"Most female nobility wouldn't." stated Kindallis. "It's your choice though."


 "The weather is quite warm for this time of year. Normally it would be snowing but instead it's sunny." exclaimed Mr. James Scrollin. "Don't you think that's interesting Miss. Noirdatter?"

"Indeed, but the weather is no concern to me." responded Arisu as she cut off a piece of Hand-Raised Boxing Day Pie. She stabbed the small, bite sized amount with her fork and put it into her mouth.

"Quite interesting, Miss. Noirdatter." he said as a mischievous grin flashed across his face.

Mr. James Scrollin was a young man in his late teens. As the governor's son, he always thought himself to be noble and strong when he actually was quite the nerd. His skin was a light tan color and was dotted with black freckles across his nose and cheeks. His green eyes created a burst of color on his face. He smoothed his dark chocolate hair back and leaned forward.

"So tell me Miss. Arisu," he grinned. "Doesn't it feel great to leave that old manor. You always seem so antisocial."

"I-it isn't antisocial behavior." she stuttered. "I don't leave the manor much because being around more than a few people is energy draining. I'm fine with talking with a very small group of people but anymore than about five people becomes a bit scary to me."

James smiled and then asked, "I was doing some research on the city's history and I want to know more about the Noirdatter Agency. All I have found out about it is that you used to eliminate threats to the city's safety, but most government officials already know that. I know there is more than just that. Can you tell me what most do not know?"

Arisu froze. She looked up at James with a violated expression. The governor's son continued to stare at her with interest, his bright green eyes gleaming with curiosity. The glass room was silent as Arisu tried to think about what to tell him. She looked around at the abstract figures built from mirror glass that were positioned around the room to reflect the sunlight. She then refocused on him and sighed, putting on a serious expression.

"My family's legacy is something I am not well educated on. My parents died before I was 14 which is the age that Noirdatter descendants learn about the Noirdatter Agency's history. My older brother has been involved with the military for the past few years and fears that communication between us could be intercepted by an old enemy of the family. Due to that I don't know much about the agency." she sternly explained.

"What a shame." he said softly. "The city is at peace too which must be good for you. I wonder why that is. Seems a bit odd though."

Arisu frowned.

"I guess so."

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