Chapter 11

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Logan's POV


Lilly was mad at me. Or at least I think she is. Katie was playing with Matt. I think he's enjoying himself too. I have to explain things to Lilly before she tells Matt.

"Daddy!" my eyes widened as I heard Katie come running to crash into my legs.

"Daddy?" I hear Matt's angry voice saying. I got down to her level and sighed cupping her small face.

"Katie, I want you to got and play with Lilly okay? Me and Matt have to talk." I told her and she nodded running off as Matt walked in shoving me back.

"Daddy? You have a fucking kid?" he spat in my face.

"Listen let me explain." I pleaded with him. Obviously he wasn't happy with it.

"You had four fucking years to tell me you knocked up some bitch! But no! You decided to keep it from me your best friend who gave you permission to ask my sister out! You've lost all damn trust from me. Does Lilly even know? You fucked up bi-"

"Stop! I know okay! I fucked up and I'm sorry for keeping my daughter, who I never get to see ever, a secret from you! Maybe it was because I'd never have a chance with Lilly if I told you. Danielle is her mother. Katie has a terrible mom. Freshman year I lost my damn virginity to that slut and he had Katie nine months later. Yeah I fucked up. A lot. You think I'm proud of it? My parents don't even know about Katie! I love that little girl in there sitting with your beautiful sister who I didn't know about until a week ago! So you shouldn't be talking either! You kept Lilly from me for about hmm how long have we been friends? About ten years? We aren't really that fucking different! If you forbid me from seeing Lilly then fine I have Katie, shes the most important girl in my life." I shouted do loud my throat hurt. He just stood there shocked at my outburst. I looked down at Katie who had walked in.

She looked like she was about to cry. "D-daddy. Why are you yelling at Matty?" she asked and sniffled tears going down her chubby little cheeks. I bent down and wiped her tears away, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm a little upset. Why aren't you playing with Lilly?" I asked her not daring to look at Matt.

"She heard you yelling and went home." her bottom lip quivered a little. Wait Lilly went home alone? She came here with Matt that means its his car, Matt never let anyone drive his car. This time I looked at Matt, who had the same look on his face as I did. Scared shitless of what or who might find Lilly.

"I'll go find her. You stay here with my daughter. Ill call you when I find her." I said and handed Katie to Matt. He opened his mouth to protest but let it go because he knew I would just leave him there.

I grabbed my keys and texted Lilly asking where she was. What am I thinking? Logan, she's pissed at you she's not going to tell you where she is you idiot!

A familiar buzzing sound came from my phone. Oh look at that shes sitting in the bleachers at school. I told her to stay there and hell she better.

Once I got there I jogged up the bleachers and sat next to her. She leaned her head against me and sighed.

"Katie's a great kid." she mumbled, "I want kids like her one day." she looked at field in front of us. I wonder if she ever came to one of the football games to watch Matt play. "I heard what you two were yelling about." I froze a little.

"All of it?" I asked quietly wrapping my arm around her waist. In response, she nodded. I sighed, "I just wish I could've been there for her when she was born. I was a freshman and when Danielle told me she had my kid my whole life came crashing down a little. Four years I couldn't be around my daughter. It's still sinking in I have a daughter. I want to keep her with me. I don't want her going back with Danielle. No little girl deserves to grow up with a mother like her." i spilled my guts to Lilly. I truly did.

"Then let her live with you. It'll be fine. If you say that you love her so much, I'm sure you can work something out with Danielle." she said and looked up at me. I gave her a small smile.

"I hate Danielle." I said simply and kissed Lilly's nose softly.

"Me too. I think I might have to kick her in the face if I ever meet her. She seems like a real bitch." she said and scrunched up that adorable nose of hers.

"We have to go back before your brother does that to me." I said laughing a little helping her up then bending down a little, "c'mon get on." I smiled happily. The look on her face was a mix between confusion and excitement. And with that she hopped on my back.

Walking down the bleachers wasn't hard, she weighed like nothing.


The drive home wasn't bad. It was mostly about Katie. I feel like her and Lilly are really getting along, and I like that. Things with me and Lilly are fixed now I just have to get things straightened up with Matt.

Walking through the front door of my apartment and seeing Matt and Katie passed out together was pretty cute. Lilly and I both aww'd and took pictures knowing we could easily hold this against Matt in the future.

It was almost nine o'clock and I asked Lilly if she wanted to stay over since

Matt had crashed on the couch. I picked up Katie and tucked her into my bed and kissed her forehead. "Good night. I love you." I whispers before turning off the light leaving the door open a crack so she wouldn't be afraid of the dark.

"Where am I going to sleep?" she asked chewing her lip knowing I only had one bedroom and the couch was already taken.

"My bed with Katie, I'll find somewhere to sleep later. I'll be fine." I told her and kissed her temple. She nodded and kissed me full on the mount, making me a little weak in the knees. Her pulling away was difficult for me, but I know if she kept going, I'd be all over her.

"Night see you tomorrow." she whispered and walked into my room.

I smiled and watched her walk away. It was an interesting day. My kid shows up. My best friend possibly is still mad at me, but the girl I'm in love with is happy with me so I've got that going for me.


Lame chapter haha sorry guys.

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