Chapter Three

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The small Shinigami marched into the Death Room uninvited; although he never needed an invite anyway since he was a god himself. Kid was flushed with sudden anger at not knowing what was going on. He never did. His father always trusted other people, and never bothered to think about what Kid wanted to know or do. He let out a "huff" and led the group in, gazing directly at the masked man sitting in front of the mirror. He turned to make sure everyone was still behind him, and they were-- even Tsubaki, who was still carrying her sensless partner.

"Oh, Hiya Kiddo! It's been a while since you've come to my room directly! Whaaat's up?" He asked in his cheerful voice. Kid tried his best to keep calm, but underneath his pale skin he was fuming.

"This is up, Father." Kid motioned to his comrades. "I know you were watching us through your mirror. Don't try and hide it."

Death sighed slowly and approached Tsubaki carefully, taking the boy blunette into one of his huge hands.

"I know. You've all came to an understanding of the madness factor around here." He placed Black Star on a couch that seemed to appear out of nowhere, but nobody dared to innturupt the man in charge. 

"Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me?!" Kid suddenly started snapping at him, crossing his arms and looking away. His father didn't respond, and was staring at Black Star's Star Clan tatoo. There was a huge bruise starting to form on his left temple where Kid had punched him, and Kid was already annoyed with his asymmetrical beating talents. Now he'd have to hit him on the right side, too.

"Father?" Kid waited for an answer. 

"Alice Mist." His father began. "Is Black Star's little sister."

He paused so that everyone could gasp like he expected they would. Tsubaki covered her mouth with her hand to keep from speaking or asking questions.

"When we had to dispose of the Star Clan, these two were small, innocent children that hadn't witnessed enough bloodshed to be consitered evil. Black Star is a year older than Alice, and nobody knows why he and his sister look nothing alike. It's probably because she ended up with the recessive aliles and he ended up with dominant. Something genetic like that, anyway. Sid took the both of them in, but took a liking to Black Star. Alice was kept with me until she dissapeared."

Liz spoke up.

"Dissapeared? How? And why didn't she seem to reconize Black Star or vise versa?"

Death chuckled softly and caused his own child to look at him strangely.

"We do not know how she left. It was most likley the work of a witch. We do know that she is very... different. She was able to support herself from an infant age. She also has photographic memory." He sighed and crossed his arms, not taking his eyes off of the sleeping boy in front of him. "Kid, I know you thought of this already, but she does have the Star Clan eyes. Whenever she goes nuts, her eyes take the form of stars."

"You missed a question. How come neither sibling knows each other?" Maka informed him. 

"That is simple. We erased their memories of everything that had happened, but because of Black Star's stubborness and Alice's photographic memory, it was incomplete. Alice remembers everything except for Black Star, and Black Star remembers fragments of the true story-- but nothing about ever having a sister. If they meet each other again, chances are that bits of memories will start to come back to both of them." He stopped and then turned to face his son. "They erased yours, too, Kid."

Kid blinked a few times before responding.

"They meaning...?"

"Stein. He only erased your memory because Alice was kept with you for the days we had her. He thought that you had seen something like a witch take her away, because once she left you were bleeding and screaming horribly. He only erased Alice from your mind, and that one night. Nothing else was taken."

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