3 | "You don't sound very certain"

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Hey everyone!

Just to clarify. Paul is NOT dead. Some people got confused and thought he was dead. He is NOT dead.

Okay, now that's all cleared up, enjoy the chapter!

Rose x


~Yasmin’s POV~

      I opened my eyes slowly and let my vision adjust to the surroundings. I was in a room full of light. It was the first time in three years that I hadn’t woken up in the dark. My eyes hurt at the glare of the lights above me but it was a good hurt.

      I looked around and found myself in a small bedroom. The bed I was lying on was soft and felt like heaven on my skin. Am I in heaven? I thought. Did I finally die?

      The door opened and a woman walked in. No, I’m definitely not dead.

      “Oh, you’re finally awake,” she said as she came over to the bed.

      I slowly sat up, wincing at the pain that spread through my body. “Where am I?” I asked her.

      “Oh honey, you’re in the Light Pack’s village in the infirmary house,” she explained. “My name’s Opal, I’ve been looking after you.”

      “Oh,” I said, unable to think of anything to say. “Thank you.”

      She gave me a kind smile. “There’s no need to thank me. I was just doing my job,” she said. “What’s your name, honey?”

      “Yasmin,” I answered. “How did I get here?”

      “Oh, Alpha Blake found you unconscious in the forest,” she said grimly. “He said that Alpha Paul was…” she left the sentence hanging.

      Tears formed in my eyes at her words and I looked away. “He saw what Paul was doing to me?” I asked, embarrassed that someone had actually witnessed that.

      “Oh sweetheart, don’t cry,” she said as she pulled me into a warm hug. It felt strange to be held so lovingly but so full of comfort. “Blake’s a good boy, he pulled Paul off of you the second he stumbled across you and nearly killed him.”

      I pulled away from her. “Paul got away?”

      She nodded bleakly. “The pack looked for him but he was long gone.”

      Disappointment washed over me at the thought of Paul still being able to find and hurt me.

      “Your wounds healed a couple of days ago,” Opal told me.

      “How long have I been unconscious for?”

      “About a week.”

      My eyebrows rose in surprise and then my stomach rumbled. I flushed in embarrassment.

      Opal laughed softly. “Come on, let’s go get you some food.”

      I slipped off the bed and realised that I was dressed in jeans and a tank top. “Wait, I need the toilet first.”

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