Chapter 3 : Am I a cat ?

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Jessica pov
I woke and guess what ? Yep I was late again!  So I quickly got up  , got dressed are breakfast in a hurry ....
And grabbed my bag and rushed off. .
As soon as I got there I was at the roof of the school watching Zaneton play soccer.  I got my picture from yesterday out of me and him .But my pictures slipped away from my hand and we were on the ledge so I jumped to get it.
" Gotcha! "
" JESSICA! !!"  I fell I closed my eyes  then when I opened them i was in my feet?  I looked up and everyone was cheering I was surprised.

" HOW'D I DO THAT ?" so I ran off it was lunch time anyway so as I sat down to eat I had a fillet of fish ? I thought I told my I quit eating fish then when I looked at it I grabbed it with my mouth

" Uhh Jess !" I realized what I did so I dropped it and ran off saying

" Well I think I'm going out to eat see ya !"

" JESS?!" I was at my school's bridge I was at a special school I was acceptaded

" WHAT IS HEPPEING TO ME ?!?!?!?!?" I screamed out loud

" First all afternoon I can't stay awake, Then I eat a fish without even realizing it, Finally I land on my feet ?"

*Wait I'm acting like *

*a-a cat !*  The Zaneton came my way OH CRAP !  So I ran off I got my lunch yea I ate before  afternoon classes  . And I left school was over  but so I went home and flopped on my bed

" What's happening to me ?"

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