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Description: Jimin finds out that he's pregnant and is scared to tell Yoongi.

Warning: Mpreg

Original Fanfic: You're What? by bamfhowell


It was currently a Sunday afternoon; Jimin was in the bathroom and had been for the past hour.

Jimin held his breath as he stared down at the pregnancy test that was lying in the bathroom sink. He was trying to take everything in...the whole situation. He didn't know what to make of it all and there were just so many mixed emotions going through his body at the moment.

It's been a couple of weeks now since he first started getting sick. He would have everything from morning sickness, horrible stomach aches and headaches. He wasn't sleeping right either because he would just get sick in the middle of the night, which was quite annoying. Jimin never told his boyfriend; Min Yoongi. that he was getting sick every morning. But after a few weeks of going through this, Jimin decided that he needed to go to the doctors and figure out what was going on with him, just in case it was something serious. Jimin was hoping that it wasn't anything too bad though.

Jimin had explained to his doctor what had been happening the past few weeks and the first thing out of the doctors mouth, was that Jimin was pregnant. Jimin had laughed as soon as he heard the words slip out of his doctors mouth. Jimin was a male. Males aren't capable of becoming pregnant. There was no way that Jimin was carrying a child inside of him, it is physically impossible...Could he? The doctor had suggested that Jimin still takes a pregnancy test to make sure.

So, here Jimin was. Standing in front of his bathroom sink, staring blankly at the pregnancy test, which was showing positive. He wasn't sure what to think of all of this. He never thought in a million years that he would become pregnant. How the hell was he supposed to tell his family that he was indeed pregnant? They were never going to believe him, no matter what he said to them. They would laugh it off and would then probably disown him for being like this once they realise the truth.

"Fuck!" Jimin yelled with frustration as tears poured out of his eyes. "Yoongi's gonna fucking leave me too as soon as I tell him!" Jimin yelled. His eyes went wide in shock. "No, no, no. Yoongi's going to leave me. I can't let that happen. I can't loose Yoongi." He whispered.

Jimin looked up as soon as he heard the front door open and then shut. He quickly reached down and grabbed the pregnancy test. He turned around a quickly made his way to the bedroom, hurriedly opening the drawer in his bed side table, and hid the pregnancy test deep at the back. He knew that he couldn't throw it away, there would be a high chance that Yoongi would see it and Jimin didn't want Yoongi to know just yet. He still needed to speak with his doctor and get answers to his many questions swarming around in his head. He wanted to make sure that he had all his facts straight before he said anything to his boyfriend. He didn't want Yoongi to think he was crazy.


Jimin quickly wiped away his tears the minute he heard Yoongi's voice call out to him. He took a deep breath before finally walking out of the bedroom in search for his beloved boyfriend. He made his way towards the kitchen, where Yoongi was, putting away some groceries that he had brought on his way home from work. Yoongi looked over at Jimin and smiled when he noticed him appear in the kitchen behind him. "Hey." Yoongi said.

"Hey." Jimin replied, quickly walking over to Yoongi.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and kissed him, Jimin reluctantly kissing him back.

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