Chapter 65

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Harry's POV:

"Um...What time should I be there?" I whisper into the phone , not wanting to wake her up.

"That won't be a problem. I'm getting on the 8 A.M flight. Would 10:30 be alright?" I ask him.

" my girlfriend's asleep. That's why" I tell him , when he asks me why I was whispering.

It was kinda stupid of me to blurt out that she was my fiancé. I wanted to keep that private and within our families for now.

"Yeah. Thanks, man. Bye" I end the call and throw the phone on the table in frustration , thinking about how little time I have to get back to work.

Of course , Harry. You had to chose to come home on a work night and not on a day off. So yeah , I'm facing the consequences.

"What's wrong?" I feel her breath against my neck , as she stirs in her sleep.

I always try not to wake her up but eventually , I'm the one who wakes her up.

"Nothing , love. I have to get ready. Just get back to sleep. It's only 6 : 30." I kiss her forehead , running my fingers through her hair.

"When can I see you again , baby?" She groans , her eyes still closed.

"My manager says I can't keep flying in and out like this. I have to stay with the crew for a while" I confess and she immediately shifts from her position, sitting up straight.

"Fo..for a while? How long?" She questions me , opening her eyes and pulling the sheets up to cover her petite body.

"5 months ,atleast. I didn't wanna tell you last night and ruin your mood. I'm sorry , love" I sit up too , shifting closer to her.

"For the millionth time, don't apologise" she stresses , before taking my hand and kissing it.

"I'm gonna be spending the rest of my life with you, baby. Taking out five months from that won't be a problem" she whispers , kissing my hand again , while her gaze locked with mine.

"That's my girl" I smile widely , leaning in and giving her a long , satisfying kiss.

"But I'll be there in Paris  on Friday " she exclaims, her eyes going wide in excitement.

"Have to move on to the next set , love. They're doing it early" I pout , as she lets my hand go and lays back on the bed.

"Fine. I can do five months without you" she smirks , as I get up from the bed and make my way towards the bathroom.

"Oh, really? Wanna bet?" I call out from the bathroom , while I washed my face.

"No" I hear her yawn.

"Just get back to sleep. We've hardly slept for an hour. You have to go to work"  I tell her , while I dryed my face with a towel.

"Okay" she yawns again and closes her eyes.

Suzie's POV:

I close my eyes to get some sleep but my phone rings ,just when I was almost getting close to falling asleep.

I sigh and pick up my phone , placing it on my ear.

"Hello? Who the hell is this?" I snap at the person on the other end.

"Pregnant , hormonal Eleanor Calder speaking, miss" she says sarcastically.

"El , it's six thirty. Why did you wake up so early?" I groan.

"I'm the one who asks the questions here , young lady? What are you doing at his old apartment? And what is he doing here in London?" She gets hyper , all of a sudden.

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