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Oscar stared down at his wrist, hazel eyes glued to the clock that kept counting down. It was getting closer and closer to zero, and he was beyond nervous. He was in the middle of central Atlas, and there were a lot of people around. He had a very high chance of not seeing who his soulmate was because the clock only counted down to when you first made eye contact, not to when you first spoke. This fact alone made his anxiety go through the roof as he nervously kept looking from his wrist to the people around him. They looked at him like he shouldn't be here, and they were right. He shouldn't. The only reason he was here was so he could meet his soulmate. He lived in the middle of nowhere, so the chances of him finding anyone there were slim to none. That's why his aunt had suggested he go to Atlas, since there were so many people who lived there. He didn't think there would be this many people though. He expected around thirty, maybe forty, people in the streets. Certainly not over a hundred.

Oscar kept walking around and decided to go down a few of the side streets. He looked at his wrist; Just four minutes to go. Oscar gulped, eyes darting around before landing on a bench. He slowly walked over and took a seat. He looked around, watching and waiting. Every so often he would look at his wrist and watch the time tick down, every second seeming to last longer than the previous one. It was painless torture. Just three more minutes. He could handle three more minutes.

As the clock counted down, Oscar began to worry once more. What if his soulmate didn't like him? What if they were his soulmate, but he wasn't there's? What if they were upper class, whereas he was lower class? What if there weren't a good person? What if they were a criminal? He gave his head a shake, trying to clear the thoughts. He couldn't change any of those things even if he wanted to, everything was already set in stone.

Two minutes to go.

Oscar stood up and straightened out his shirt, tucking it into his trousers. He didn't have any formal clothing, so had just worn what he would usually wear around the farm. He licked his hand and pushed back his black hair, which was a waste of time as it all bounced back straight away. Great. He sat back down and pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, spitting onto it. He pulled his leg up and gave his boot a quick wipe down. He then did the same with the other. They had gotten a little dirty on the walk from the farm to the train stop.

One more minute.

Oscar gave a heavy sigh, watching as flocks of people walked by. None of them looked at him. They all had their heads held high and acted as if they were better than him. Well, they were better than him. They looked as if they had all the money in the world, whereas he had to work almost every day just to get by. It wasn't fair.

Thirty seconds remaining.

Oscar was fiddling with his hands, rubbing his fingers together. It was a nervous habit he had picked up over time, and it mostly only happened when the weather got bad and he was worried it would damage the crops. He never in all his life thought he'd be this nervous about meeting someone. The clock was still ticking, with just twenty seconds left. How he wished it went back to four minutes. He watched as it counted down, not daring to look up.


He heard birds fly away, indicating someone approaching the bench but thought nothing of it.


He heard footsteps, they were faint but getting louder.


Next came talking, as if they were on the phone with someone. He assumed this as he could only hear one voice.


Yuanfen {Ruby Rose X Oscar Pine}Where stories live. Discover now