Louis Tomlinson Fun Facts

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****************Louis Tomlinson*****************

-          The Youngest he would date would be 17 (Sorry all you girls out there who are younger then 17)

-          After watching New Moon he pretended to be Edward Cullen the rest of the night

-          Absolutely would date a fan (yay for all you 17+ girls)

-          Would fancy Harry if he were a girl

-          Got Excluded/suspended for showing his bum/butt to a teacher

-          Favorite band is The Fray

-          Only made Harry cry twice, when giving his a wedgie and straightening his hair in his sleep

-          Slept with Harry in the same bed naked

-          Would not get his nipples pierced because he is “Not brave enough”

-          He will be getting more solos on upcoming albums and singles

-          Favorite TV shows are One Tree Hill and the Misfits

-          “Call me old fashioned, but I like to get to know the girl before she becomes my girlfriend.”

-          If he was a girl for the day he would go straight to the mirror and take all his clothes off

-          Had an old car named Cheryl

-          “I want a son. I don’t care if I have to have 20 daughters, I will have a son!”

-          Favorite word is: Boobs

-          Thinks he has a girly bum (He showed a picture of his bum in just star dotted boxer briefs!)

-          “The other boys aren’t allowed to wear stripes. No no.”

-          Dumped for not being attractive enough

-          If he was not in the band he would want to be a Drama Teacher

-          When he was younger he would sit outside in his pushchair and wave to people and say, “Hi! Have a good day.”

-          On last night of tour he tweeted, “Getting Emotional, haha.”

-          At one of their concerts he said right before More Than This, “Dedicated to someone special, you know who you are.”

-          His mum only though Eleanor as “Lovely”

-          Calls his mom almost every night

-          The band thought Louis was quite when they first met

-          Speaks French

-          During one of their shows fluffy handcuffs were thrown onstage and when Harry showed them to Louis he whispered, “Later” to Harry

-          On his birthday “TheCarrotKingWillBeForeverYoung” “LastTeenTuesdayTommo” and “Boo-BearWillBeForeverYoung” were trending world-wide

-          Has a picture on his nightstand of him and Harry

-          Harry thinks Louis has “a cute cry face”

-          Plays Piano extremely well

-          Any girlfriend he has, has to be messy because, “I am one of the messiest people I know”

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