Harry Styles FUN Facts

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- He once said that if he loves a girl he will kiss her every five minutes

-loves cats

- “I reckon I could sleep for at least two weeks even if I have not done anything”

- Walks around naked

- “I think I could be a very loyal boyfriend. I like to think that I am romantic to.”

- Harrys bum gets slapped every time Louis sees them

- “I’d want a girlfriend that I can call in the middle of the night, I would love that!”

- Harry hates it when more popular fans consider themselves amazing.

- Used to have blond straight hair when he was little

- A romantic date for Harry would be going biking on a tandem bicycle

- “Would you rather kiss a girl or eat pizza?” Harry: “Kiss a girl.” Niall: “PIZZA!”

- Has ridden a motor bike completely naked before

- Got a fans number at a signing once

- He was the one that set Louis and Eleanor up

- He has matching pink and blue blankets with Louis

- Louis was planking on a railing and Harry ran over and pulled him off in case we would fall

- If he is interested in a fan he would ask for her number and then tell her he loved her before she left

- Facebook name used to be ‘Harry “Nugget” Styles’

- First kiss was at age 11

- Never played Pokémon until the boys introduced him to it

- Finds girls cute when they wear soccer jerseys

- Harry and Ed Sherren have nicknames for each other, Potter and Weasely

- “He’s emotional and very thoughtful. If I have had a bad day at work, when I get home he will have run me a bath with music and candles

- Still waiting for his passionate kiss in the rain

- He sometimes calls Louis Pumpkin

- His first autograph was to Louis

- said, “The boys are like cheeky guys at school”

-Speaks fluent French

- Sleeps with a blankly, a blanket he has had since he was little4

- Most of his girlfriends have been blond but he always likes a good brunette

- Always dreamed of playing Hide & Seek under the sheets with his girlfriend

- If he ever sees someone hating on the guys he’s purposely be nice to them and shut them up with sarcasm

- Prefers quiet dates, “I would take the girl back to my flat and he would have dinner so I could get to know her better

- Wants a girlfriends that he can have fun with, that’s not to serious

- Loves back massages

- “If I really like you it wouldn’t matter if you were a fan or not”

- Harry’s bio used to be, ‘I’m here now, what are your other two whishes?’

- He will be romantic around the girl he loves, (lots of PDA)

- Because he’s away so much, he would surprise his girlfriend to show her how much he cares about her

- Looks through his time-lines not mentions

-Is a complete neat freak, “Louis’s room is a mess and mine is cleanish”

- Once he was tempted to kiss a fan he had just met

- Wrote a poem for his 2009 girlfriend

- 6 pairs of undies only. Doesn’t wear them unless he has to go somewhere there will be pretty girls if ya get my drift

- Niall and Harry helped write “Gotta Be You”

- Wants a younger girlfriends so he can show her the “ropes of life”

- The boys think that Harry gives the best hugs

- “I’d like to take care of a girlfriend, but at the same time I would like the girl to be independent”

- Always eats both Twix bars at the same time because he doesn’t want the other one to feel lonely.

-Afraid to get a girlfriend because he doesn’t want to disappoint the fans

- Wants a girl that doesn’t know what she deserves so he can show her

- When he haw in Ireland he put on a Irish accent the whole time

- He’s date someone three years younger than him and would wait if necessary

- Once poured tea onto Niall’s ding-dong while he was sleeping and I looked like Niall had peed himself

- “How incredible it would be if we were like outside meeting fans and we all just grabbed one fan and gave them a proper snogging!?!”

- “Do you think it’s girly to be afraid of roller-coaster?” “No because I walk around with my manhood hanging out to make up for it”

- Wanted to study Law, Sociology, and business at college

- Harry and Ed Sheeren built a Lego house once

- Prefers curvy girls because “There’s more to grab on to”

- Hates smoking, drugs, and Niall’s farting

- Hates Olives

-Lives with Louis

- Used to pole dance in the school playground

- Likes flat smooth stomachs

- says, “My naked body is a bit disappointing”

- If you scream or squeal around Harry he will think you are annoying

- “Louis and I went swimming in our boxers early morning once, and woke Niall up by flinging our boxers onto his face

- “I want a girl who respects herself; it means her standards are high and if I fit them, then I would be honored. If she’s easy then what does that say about me?”

- Rumored to have a girlfriend..... :'(


There you have it fans!

Harry Styles has left da building!

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Eat Chocolate?

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