Baby may I

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Jasmine pov
I can hear voices. I hear August and kisses talking. I want to get up , I want to open my eyes, I try to move my arms ,but nothing is working. I want to go home. I miss my mommy. My body hurts I feel like a elephant fell on my body.
Kisses pov
We finally went home. By home I mean trey house.I went to the bathroom and threw up. I been feeling funny for the pass week. I keep getting morning sickness, I can't stand the smell of certain food, and I keep having food cravings. I don't know what to do. Should I tell Trey that I might be pregnant?
As soon as I left the bathroom Trey grabbed me me. Where were You? He asked. I was in the bathroom. Trey? he looked up at me from the game. Didn't I tell you to call me daddy?! I looked down. Sorry I just have something to tell you. What do you want? he asked with an attitude. II....IIII THHINNKKK. I pause and took a deep breath. I think I might be pregnant. I said scared. He go up and grabbed me. You are lying ?? He asked. No, I keep on throwing up. I missed my period I said looking down. "Who else have you been with"?he asked. No one I yelled annoyed. You raped me I yelled crying. You took my virginity !!!! I was saving it for someone special and you took it!!!! I started hitting him and crying. Out of nowhere he hugged me. Kisses im sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Said trey. He picked me up and carried me to his room. He laid me down on the bed and slowly removed my clothes and put me under the covers. He started kissing my forehead and then went down to my neck. Stoooopp!! I moan. He started to go lower and lower then he stopped. I'm sorry I hurt you ,but Ima do my best to protect you and my seed.
Monie pov
Me and Jacquess was playing in the water. He picked me up trying to throw me in the water and I screamed for him to stop. QUEESSSSSSSSSS PUT ME DOWN!!!!!  Nope call me daddy first. Never I yelled. Next thing I new I was under salt water. I hate you I cried . I love you too he said while kissing my cheek. We was having so much fun that we didn't realize it was getting late. I laid in his chest watching the sun completely go down. It was getting cold. Jacquess put his blanket around me and was slowly Rubbing my back. I started to doze off and I felt him pick me up. Seconds later I woke up and we was at the house. It had started to storm. I hate storms more than anything in the world.
Jacquess?? I said scared
Yes baby girl ?
I'm scared of storm( in a baby voice)
He smiled aww that's cute. It's ok baby girl I got you. We walked in the house it started lighting and raining . So we went In the room and took separate showers. When I got out I couldn't find a towel. I tried to run out of the shower and run back into the room like flash , but he grabbed me. We're do you think your going he said with a smirk. To the bathroom I said looking at my toes. He took a step closer to the point the only thing between us was his shirt. Is that so he whispered  in my ear. Slowly he started moving his hands lower and lower to my cat. QUESS !!!! I moan softly. Next thing I knew he picked me up and sat me on the bed. CRASHHHHHH!!!
QUESS I scream and grabbed him tight.
The lights turned off and all you could see was lightning in the sky. He calmed me be picking me up. Then he tried to leave the room. Was this boy crazy. Don't ever ever leave me in a storm alone. Noooo!! Please don't leave me I screamed. Ok baby girl calm down I'm here. Ima keep you safe. He picked me backed up , carried me up the stairs. We sat down in the hall. Why did we stop I ask?  Princess Ima have to leave you, but I will be back in 3 minutes. Noo don't leave me I cried. He kissed my lips baby calm down. He then sat me down and left. I was in the dark alone with no clothes on wrapped in a blanket. I started shaking. All these vicious nosies and my loud thoughts keeping me awake. Something touch me and my eyes shot open. Jacquess was there with candles in his hands. He lit them and set them in a circle around us. My shaking body crawled in his lap. Poor baby,you're cold he said looking at my glitching body . My head fell down not wanting him to see my scars. He lifted my head so now I was starring in his eyes. Don't do that your perfect to me he whispers. His voice was making me weak. Next He pushed his soft lips against mine. I hesitated ,but soon I kissed back. He pushed my arms above my head while putting me on the floor. The warm fuzzy blanketed was under me and I was exspose to him. He examine my body with a smirk. Next he started to kissed my neck. Lower and lower he keeps going until he was at my cat. He looked up for permission and I said yes. He started to trace my scars on my legs and cat. I tried to close my legs ,but he open them again. They are ugly I know I covered my eyes but to my surprise he move my hands. No baby girl, they are what make your more beautiful. I like a girl who have been through a lot. It shows how brave you are. Then he started to stick his fingers in me. I started moaning like crazy. Next he looked back at me. Are you sure your ready? he ask. Yes do it. Slowly he started to stick himself in me. I started to cry. It burned and felt good at the same time. He speed up and my toes began to curl. Jaquess don't stopp !!!!!!!!!!! Harder and harder he went. I started to fell my climax and we both came at the same time. He then stuck his fingers back. I couldn't take it no more. Next he pulled his hands out and licked his fingers. I love you monie he said. I laid there speechless. I love you jaquess I said slowing drifting to sleep.
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