A and J for life

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August pov
Jasmine was finally released from the hospital. She have me antisocial since she been back. I know I hurt her bad ,but am I stupid that I want to show her love. I know I kidnap her and this whole thing is stupid ,but I really love this girl. When I not by her all I can do is think about her, I don't wanna go to sleep or leave the house because she might be alone and I don't want that. She is a beautiful girl and she deserves to be treated like a queen, my queen
It's been a week and the only thing Jasmine have said to me is no and yes Daddy. I hate her calling me that it makes me sick.
Jasmine? Yes daddy she replied quickly. Do you need any more clothes and you can stop calling me that. She look down and said yes again. I stood up and walked over to her about to touch her when she started shaking. Jasmine I won't hurt you I promise. Her eyes was still on her small feet. I couldn't help but grab her hand and lead her to my room. Next I ran her a bath and added a bathbomb and her favorite scent vanilla and Kashmir bubble bath. Then I turn to her and slowly to undress her. Jasmine never look me in my eyes. It hurt a lot. I will give anything to make her talk to me and look at me without seeing an monster. After she was gulley naked I couldn't help but stare at her. She was truly beautiful, like a Jasmine. I place her in the bath like a female placing a flower in water. Her muscles tense up at first then soon relaxed. I whispered to her "I will be back I'm going to pick up your clothes. Don't go far be back in 45 minutes". She nodded and started to play with the bubbles. That's the first time I seen her happy in a while. I could help but while while exiting the bathtub.
Jasmine pov
I been out of the hospital and trying to go back. August scares me a lot. All I can think about is him beating me senseless. I can't sleep, can't eat , can't even think right. He told me not to go far so I'm fully dresses in the bathroom floor. I don't know if I can leave this room or not and I'm not going to risk it. I remember a song my grandma use to sing me when I was little. I couldn't help but cry. I miss my family. Lightly I started to cry, I was interrupted by the front door. Quickly I whip my face and look at my feet. August open the door and asked why was I in the floor. You told me not to go far and I didn't know what far was. I didn't want to get untroubled. Stand up he told me so I listen. We walked to his room where I saw a lot of bags. This is all your stuff. I don't want you to dress like that anymore. I want you to look comfortable and pretty. I couldn't help but smile. He brought me tons of bags from famous stores. I took out the receipts and it said 600$ for one bag.  Never in my life have I had someone spent $600 spent on me in on day. I look at him with a smile and said think you. We just stood there in silence staring at each other. When I looked in his eye all I say was regrets and sorrow. He slowly begged to come closer. I could feel his cold breath on my neck. At the very moment I wasn't scared of him. All the fear in my body ran away and in it place was lust. There something about this boy that made me weak. He smash his lips in mine and spark flew. Right there I new that he wasn't a bad person from before. He was just mixed up in the wrong thing. I started to kiss him back. Our tongue was rustling for the top position. He grabbed my waist and started to lead me backwards to the bed. I was pushing the bags back with my arms while he kept kissing me. It felt like electricity was flowing through my body. Moving form my neck to the top of my boobs he left huge red hickeys. I was going crazy. Next he started to move to my stomach. I could feel him making the letter A on my stomach. The top of the A was in between my boobs and the bottom was at my v line. All I could do was moan, he was true magic.

           Then he stopped.

Baby he said I looked up and answer yes shyly. I want this to be special. I took your virginity without your permission so I want this time to be for real. I didn't know what to say. So I took my hand and brought his face closer to mine. Slowly I started to kiss him. August thanks for doing this I said looking down. Fear was starting to enter my body again. He lifted my head and said " I swear on my life I will never hit you or hurt you in a physical way again." And with that we drifted to sleep.

What do you guys want to happen???

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