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No ones prov:

New Townsville...

In New Townsville High it is exam day for the Juniors for next year. That was until a pink compact started to beep. 'Oh no!' The girl with auburn hair snatched her compact and opened it. She sighed and noticed four girls looking at her. She nodded and they all groaned.

The girl raised her hand and it was followed by four others. They all said they needed to go to the nurse because they weren't feeling well. The teacher waved them off and they ran to the roof.

Hyper Blossom!
Rolling Bubbles!
Powered Buttercup!
Demonic Bash!
Metallic Brenna!

"Ahhhhhhh!" A scream echoes through the city as a new villain attacks.

"Guys we were in the middle of a exams! What the hell!" Brenna yells.

"Bloss we have to finish exams in order to become seniors!" Bash states to the pink leader.

"Girls we have a duty to our city! Now stop complaining and lets go!" Blossom says fitting into her leader role trying to get her team to corporate. When they stop she flies off the building to the danger.

The girls soon follow looking around the city when they stop they see streaks of light: one dark green, then another dark blue, another dark yellow, the other dark maroon, and the last dark red.

Blossom's prov

I look at the streaks, 'what's going on?' They seem to be searching for something.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when my compact rings. I take it out and see it's Professor Utonium. I open it and it reveals it the Professor, the team then huddles to see what's happening.

"Hey professor what's up?"

"Girls we have a big problem!" The professor shouts.

The girls then look at each other then look back at the professor. "What kind of problem?" BC asks.

"The criminals are dangerous they're The Rowdy Ruff Boyz they disappeared six years ago and are now back!"

"Wait professor six years ago?" Bash asks.

"Yes I'll explain later just please stop them!" Then the professor hangs up.

I close my compact and turn the girls who are ready, "Okay girls pick a color and stop them before they destroy the city! Take them out of here so no one gets hurt! Understood?" They nod once and leave their signature lights and fly from the city and soon the other lights follow.

I look down to see that the red one hasn't stopped, I float to the ground and say, "Hey stop right there!" The red streak stops and the red glow soon fades to reveal a boy.

They boy was taller than me by a foot, he was also very fit and had very sharp features, he had auburn hair like mine and it was very long he tied it into a low ponytail with a red and black cap similar to the SnapBack Bash wears. He was wear a muscle t-shirt and black jeans with red Jordan's. He then starts to smirk, "so the famous bossy Bloss has finally made her appearance!" He then continues walking over to me, "how ya doin' red? Miss me?" He asked.

I look at him confused, "okay buddy I don't know who you are but you have to leave! NOW!"

He bursts into laughter, "good one red! Now seriously you couldn't have forgotten about me!" His smirk drops. "It's me Brick..." he says sweetly.

"Brick?" I say confused.

Brick's prov

She says my name but something's off... she says it like its foreign to her. 'What the hell is wrong with her???!!!'

"I'm sorry I don't know a Brick," she says in a honest voice. She then unsheathes a sword!

'Oh shit! When the fuck did she get a sword!'

Now that I look at her she's changed a lot. She's now taller, she's beautiful actually her long auburn hair was still in a ponytail with her signature bow, she was stunning she had a body models could only wish for. She was wearing black leggings that hugged her tan legs and showing her flawless figure with a pink crop that said love in a heart,  and black and white vanz. I guess six years can do a lot to a girl damn...

But she still didn't remember me, 'cat what's happened to you to make you forget me?' Yeah we know their really names we had to for Mojo.

I look at her as she gets into her fighting stance, I then sigh and bring out I my own weapon( i don't know how to describe it so I'll put a pic of it) 'how come she doesn't remember?' I ask myself as we start fighting. I look at her and start to get distracted, 'come on Brick head in the game!' I then get sliced by her sword and grimace. I see regret flash in her eyes as she keeps fighting, 'come on Bloss if it's really you stop this!' I plead in my mind.

"Whoever you are please leave and I'll let you go!" She says as she swings one last time.

'It is the same Bloss I remember... but still that hurts.' Not the slice on my chest the fact she doesn't remember me... I smile a little that I know she still has the same kind heart and I stop and start to walk away getting ready to fly home.

"Hey!" She calls and I stop, without looking at her she continues, "am I supposed to know you? Because you seem to know me..."

Yes I want to say but I can't, "no" I lie. And fly with a red streak following me.

I soon found my brothers... I guess I'm not the only one...

But then I see Butch... what the hell happened... he never looks like this. He looks broken...

 He looks broken

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That's the weapon I want to describe but yeah I couldn't lol How do you like it? It's the first couple now there is four to go! And next up is my favorite Butchercup!

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That's the weapon I want to describe but yeah I couldn't lol
How do you like it? It's the first couple now there is four to go! And next up is my favorite Butchercup!

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