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It was my first night in Rome, and the only time I could use my phone was if I had WiFi. My uncle and parents had left on a trip to the store. They were gone for awhile because apparently Italian stores are much different than American stores.
Their absence left my sister, grandmother, and me in the apartment alone. The windows were open, contrasting with the fact that we had all the heaters on, and a cool breeze would float into the room every once and awhile.
My phone vibrated.
Expecting it to be my mom or dad I glanced at the screen carelessly.
The contact read "Madison".
Madison and I lived in the same neighborhood, and over the past couple weeks we had begun talking more than we had in a while.
Of course the text was simple and it read "hey", but it started something.
The beginning of an important friendship.

March 6, 2015.

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