Chapter 40: Descent to the Depths of the Earth

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The day was drawing to a close, the sun low over the western walls of the city, casting long shadows over the city. The underside of the clouds was blooming in glorious reds and oranges, as though they were afire with the flames of Hell itself. Gaius stood at the balcony of the Imperial Governor's quarters, now redecorated to suit his own macabre tastes. He stood naked save a cloak of lush lavender suspended from gold rings that pierced his trapezium muscles, his hands folded across his chest livid with ritual scars. To his right, smoke was arising from the Argus district, the crackle and thunder of weapon fire drifting on the wind. "Status, Praetor?"

Augustus Julianus, the Praetor of the Sixth Legion stood nearby in his dove grey power armor of ancient construction. Cradled in his arms was a crimson daemonic weapon…the dreaded Kai Gun that could shear through even the armor of an Astartes with ease. He inclined his head slightly, violet plume on his Legionary helmet bobbing slightly, "We hold the high ground in all sectors still, though the Cadian and Marines have had some success…it has been at a cost. With casualty rates as they are, we can win the war of attrition."

Gaius was silent as he looked out over the mighty city of Constantius, the capital of his new domain. The Praetor cleared his throat and continued, "What concerns me, Messiah, are the Sisters…or perhaps more accurately, the lack of them. We have not seen the Sororitas anywhere within the city limits."

"You have not seen them, but they are here," Gaius replied. "Katherine will not lie in wait. Her pride is too great to allow her to stay in the reserves. She blames herself for failing to stop me. She must come for me herself. Somehow, your men have missed her."

"I find that unlikely," The Praetor said carefully, bowing his head. "Perhaps they are waiting for our attention to be diverted. The Thunderhawks of the Ultramarines and Templars are unaccounted for in battle…perhaps they intend an aerial insertion?"

"No…they're already within the walls. I can feel them…I feel her," Gaius said with a half smile. "My bride is coming, and Katherine is with her. They are somewhere in the city. Find them, but do not engage them too heavily. I want them to find me."

"By your command," Augustus bowed low. 

"However, I want the other forces crushed and broken," Gaius turned to face him. Leaning against a nearby wall was Lucius the Eternal, his grotesque artificier armor writhing with the faces of those souls damned within it, fueling it. "Lucius, send half your Emperor's Children to intercept the Ultramarines and Templars by Warp Gate. Have them take as many daemonic forces with them as they can bear."

"I will lead the counterthrust personally," Lucius' obscenely long tongue flickered out across his cheeks. 

"No…you will remain here in the palace. Send your Exalted Champion. You and your remaining forces will maintain watch here." Gaius ordered, the tone of his voice brooking no refusal. Lucius chafed but did not give voice to his injured pride. Gaius closed his eyes, allowing his mind to touch the Dark Eldar many blocks away, Molly?

Messiah? came her response, almost spat from her mouth like an adder's poison.

It is time for your forces to make themselves known. Send your two Revenant Titans out and find Lazarus. Destroy his precious Hellblade. I want him to suffer before he dies, and it will be a sore blow to the Cadians' morale. The rest of your forces should strike his flanks. Hit and run. Gaius opened his eyes and laid them on Augustus. "Praetor, concentrate your air forces in the front over the Argus district. I want complete air superiority. Soften the Cadians up with the Earthshakers and Manticores. Let nothing stand in your way. Destroy the entire Argus district if you need to, scorched earth tactic is fine with me…we can always rebuild later with slave labor." 

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