Chapter 33-The Finale

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Years had passed, and the two were married. Lucie sat on the couch, a loud squeal coming from the other room. "Daddy!" The little girl yelled as the door opened.

"Hi sweetheart! Where's mommy?" "She's on the couch, I think she's napping. Shhh," The little girl grabbed her fathers large hand and led him to the living room. He smiled at the girl laying on the couch, a hand on her growing stomach.

"How about you go wake her up while I bring my bags inside," Denis whispered as he got down on his daughters level. The little girl nodded and slowly walked over to her mother, making as little noise as she could.

"Mommy," She whispered over and over until the woman moved. "What's up baby girl?" "Hi babe," Denis said as he walked into the room.

"Oh my god," Lucie whispered as she got up to go over to her husband. "Hey," He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her. They kissed as the little girl behind them squealed.

Lucie laughed and called her over. She pulled her up and onto her hip. They hugged the little girl, Denis taking her and setting her on his hip. 

"Honey! We're home!" Ben yelled through the house as everyone walked into the house. The little girl on Denis' hip struggled to get down while he laughed. He let the little girl down and watched her run over to his best friends own little girl.

Fae and Ellie ran off to her room upstairs while everyone else stayed in the living room. "Again? God, you guys are like rabbits," Ben joked as he gave Lucie a hug. Everyone laughed as Lucie gave everyone a hug.

"Do we know the gender yet?" Haley asked as the girls gathered around her. Lucie nodded and led them to the nursery. "It's so pretty," Brandi said as she looked around. Ciara started to chuckle as she walked to the closet doors.

"Ellie decided she wanted to help and I couldn't bring myself to say no." "That little girl has you wrapped around her tiny little finger," Brittany said as she chuckled. Lucie smiled and set her hand on her stomach.

After everyone left and Ellie went to sleep, Denis and Lucie retired to their room and cuddled each other.

"I love you so much," Denis said as he rubbed his hand over his wife's stomach. Lucie smiled as she felt a little kick. She rested her hand over his and her smile  grew even more. "I love you."

"I love you too, and you too my little Absinthe."

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