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•the party•

*super important authors note at the end!*

Mrs. Lukasiak's car pulls up to Cupsaw Clubhouse and all four of us jump out of the car. I thanked her and jogged to catch up to my friends before they walked in the doors.

Chloe opened the doors to reveal lots of large tables with white tableclothes, some with people sitting at them and some with food platters on them. I caught up to Sadie and asked her where she wanted to sit. We began scanning the room for a seat when Sadie begins to slap my arm to get my attention.

"Millie! Millie! Guess who's here?" she smirked.

No, it couldn't be. I looked to my left and saw the one and only, Finn Wolfhard. I have to say, he looked pretty good all dressed up, but I shook the thought away quickly. 'You don't like him anymore. You have to get over him' I thought to myself.

We finally settle at a table near the back of the room near the food. Our friend Noah joins us and sits next to Sadie. We talk about how our first week of school was and how crazy it was that we were already in 8th grade and how hot our school was (because we don't have any air conditioning!). Noah had just said something to make me laugh but my response to him was cut short when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey, uh, Millie?" I turned around to see Finn and his two friends Levi Miller and Gaten Matarazzo standing behind my chair.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Uh, hi Finn what's up?" I replied.

"So, uh, our friends wouldn't let us sit at the table over there," Finn began and gestured to to table to our right, which was overflowing with boys who were all jokingly yelling at Finn and his friends to get away from their table. "Can we sit here?"

"Oh, yeah of course!" I smiled.

Sadie elbowed me in the side and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and continued to talk to Noah. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Sadie eagerly grab her phone and begin furiously texting who I assumed was Grace. For a split second, premonition crept into the corner of my mind, but I brushed it off as adrenaline from Finn sitting next to me. I shot a confused look at Sadie which was returned with a smirk that made me feel the need to immediately check my phone for messages from Grace. Nothing was there, but in my periferal vision, I saw Finn reach for his iPod.

I always teased him about how he had an iPod and not a phone considering the majority of our grade had phones, but it didn't really matter that much, we could still talk to each other. Oddly enough, Finn pulled me out of my thoughts by tapping me on the shoulder. His face was a light shade of crimson and he looked quite confused.

"Uh, everything ok?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Um, is it real?" Finn asked as he showed me the screen of his iPod. It was open to a Snapchat conversation between him and Grace.

grace: hey finn can you ask millie if it's real?

finn: uh ok sure

My cheeks soon matched the color of Finn's as I recalled the meaning of Grace's "cryptic" message.

"Wait, you like Finn? Finn Wolfhard?" Grace asked as a smirk formed on her face.

"Yeah, I guess so," I replied sheepishly.

"Ah I ship it!" Grace exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's totally real!" Jojo added, clapping her hands together. Jojo was another one of my best friends and she had gotten close with me and Grace throughout our seventh grade year.

Grace looked over at Jojo as a grin formed on her face.

"You know Jojo, you're right. It's so real that soon Millie and Finn will be like this," Grace smirked as she clapped her hands together forcefully. "All." Clap. "The." Clap. "Time." Clap.

I began to blush like crazy as my friends raised their eyebrows at me.

"Woah woah woah, I'm in seventh grade I am not that type of girl!" I laughed as I knew they were just joking.

Fast forward to our field trip when Grace and Jojo got Finn to clap and say "It's real!" whenever we crossed paths. He had no idea what he was doing or why it made me so uncomfortable but I guess it was all fun and games right? Later in the year I mustered up the courage to tell Finn what was real. Our supposed relationship. He didn't seem phased, but I know something definitely happened between us that made things super awkward.

Snapping back to reality, the chatter of party guests filled my ears as I looked worriedly from Finn to a smiling Sadie. I laughed nervously, tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear (which is what I do when I'm nervous), and played it cool.

"Oh my god, just tell Grace to stop talking please!" I laughed, hoping Finn would get the message that nothing serious was happening.

Once he turned his back to me I glared at Sadie.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Grace should know that her ship is sailing," Sadie smiled.

We both laughed and soon Sadie got up to get some Sprite. Noah and I saw this as a chance to spam Sadie's phone. When Sadie came back, I quickly turned away and grabbed my own phone to hide the fact that Noah and I were spamming her Snapchat story. Little did I know, was that Noah snapped a picture of his own to add to Sadie's story himself.

But that's something for later.

heyyy! i'm so sorry for the slow updates, but school ends for me in two days so after that i'll be free! the only thing is, i start my first job next week so updates may not be steady for a week or two but they will happen. i'm trying my best to write as much as i can i really want this story to be perfect. the party will last four chapters. the description of the story comes into play next chapter (things start getting real ;)...) let me know what you think! i love you guys! 💓

edit: also yes i realize now that i changed from present to past tense in the middle of the chapter... oops.

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