Chapter Seven

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Twister escaped the prison building as fast as she could. Once she shut the door behind her, she sank to her knees and she placed both hands over her face. She was trying to rid herself of all the horrible sights that she'd seen. It wasn't working. She'd seen some horrible things in her time while rifling through the memories of criminals, but nothing like what she'd seen in the Demon's mind. What was whirling through his memories was enough to make anyone go mad.

The memories of the fiery Plane that she'd sifted through had been the most horrible and she hadn't known what it was when she was performing the spell. Now that she was outside and away from the Demon, she knew exactly where that fiery Plane was: it was the Abyss. The horrible home of the darkest; most evil souls in existence as well as many other dark creatures. Such as the Demons of all Flights and all castes. The Demon - Acheron - had been born to the Abyss and he'd fought his way out. However, once he'd arrived on the Mortal Plane he and the other Demon had used the skills that they'd learned in the Abyss to conquer.

They had taken so many lives that there was no way that they could be redeemed. She felt dirty and tainted just having the visions of the Demon's deeds in his mind. However, she knew that it had to be worse for him. After all, he had to live with what he'd done for the rest of his life and that could be a considerable amount of time. Then again, it might not affect him at all. He was a Demon, and as far as she knew, Demons didn't feel emotions and didn't have a conscious.

If one had a conscious, how could they do what this man had done and survive without his mind being splintered into thousands of pieces? It was a simple answer: they couldn't. No, the things that he'd done had been too horrible for even the most steadfast and most heartless beings to be able to live with. No one with a soul could perform such acts and still be able to function. However, she'd sensed no evil within the man and that was what contradicted her thoughts. After all, she'd come to the conclusion that he was evil, but when searching his aura, she hadn't found evil. Just the opposite actually. She'd found an overwhelming amount of goodness, of purity that shouldn't have existed within him.

However, it had been the last images that convinced her that he wasn't there to do them harm. In fact, she was quite certain that he didn't even know who the Amazons were and weren't a blip on his radar. No, his target was the woman that she'd seen in his memories and those memories had been the most tame of all. After all, she was no stranger to sex and those memories had been filled with sex. The Demon had rolled around with some beautiful woman, making love to her in several different memories for the span of six months and it was those images that came to her mind now.

No, this Demon was good and he was going to find his lover. That was his intent.

She'd felt the need for him to protect the woman while she was sifting through his memories and it was a strong feeling. So strong a feeling that it had been that it had pervaded through the rest of the memories, even the ones that had to have been long before he'd met her. Also, there was another feeling that had come from him when there had been a clear sign of her face in his memories and it was an emotion that he hadn't expected from him. In fact, she'd believed that Demons couldn't feel the emotion at all: love.

The High Shaman felt that her hands were wet, and when she raised her face from her hands, she realized that her face was wet to. She reached up with one hand and she wiped her eyes. She'd been crying - no, sobbing - the entire time she'd been on her knees. She shook her head and she dried her face completely. When she raised her red rimmed eyes, she noted that several Amazons were moving towards her and all of them had looks of worry in their eyes. After all, they all knew who she'd just met with and they most likely assumed that he'd done something to harm her.

He hadn't done a damn thing, but of course they would assume the worst. He was a Demon after all, and even though she didn't like to admit it, she had her prejudices too when she'd gone into the prison. She'd expected to find a red skinned creature with a forked tail and horns protruding from his head. He hadn't been that. No, he hadn't looked like that at all. In fact, he was a very attractive man and she'd had to remind herself that he was in fact a Demon. She'd only just seen drawings of Demons and they'd been of lesser Demons obviously. However, that was what she'd assumed that all Demons looked like, even though she knew that the higher the Flight of Demon, the more Human they looked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2012 ⏰

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