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Author's Note:

This book is dedicated to my beautiful, bestfriend, whitesparkey. She's the one who converted me into a Directioner and thank goodness she did. This one's for you, hope you like it.

P.S I will try to update as often as I can, and I hope the chapters aren't too short.

I lay with my back on the cold, dry grass, and gazed up at the stars, barely ever blinking. The sky was a deep, almost-black blue, with a brilliant display of Christmas lights, still left up from a month ago. The air was still and I was thankful that the usual winter's breeze ceased to exist. I was bundled up tightly in trackpants and a jacket, and mountains of blankets. It was silent and I wondered if he had fallen asleep already. His soft voice confirmed that he wasn't yet. " Do you remember when we were kids, and we would go camping but we weren't allowed to stay up late enough to see the stars but we'd creep out when everyone was asleep and just ly there for hours?"

I tilted my head forward in acknowledgement. Louis accepted the silence graciously. Peace and quiet was hard to come by in this new life of his but for what he got out of it, that was a small compromise. No one recognised him as the quiet, thoughtful, easy-to-talk-to one in the band, but he had always been my bestfriend. And cousin. It's ok for a boy and a girl to be bestfriends, right? "Do you ever miss those days? The ones where you could be free. When you didn't have all this... responsibility?"

"To be honest, not really. I miss when you'd call me up to tell be you had a boyfriend or something wonderful to share." he said.

"I've avoided boyfriends lately to be honest. Not since, ya know. I can never egt hold of you anyway. I never see you anymore. We should do more stuff like this. I know you're busy but I miss you a lot. At school, I was surrounded by fake friends who just wanted to meet you, and now that I'm not school anymore I kind of miss them too. I'm just lonely. I real-" he cuts me off, and I mumble a sorry because I'm known to go on and on about things sometimes.

"I know. I just don't have as much time anymore, especially when we're away." I'm quiet because I know it's the truth, and there's no point in making him feel worse than he does.

I change the subject to loosen the tension, "So how are the boys?"

"We're good. Actually it's great because Niall and I are going to go flatting here since we're back for a while. We um, feel like something new though, like someone new to be around. Do you know anyone who might want to flat with us?" he asked.

I let out a huge grin, "Absolutely not. Just like perhaps like a MILLION screaming fans out there. You could always ask them."

He sighs, "That's not what I meant," he said. And I know it wasn't but I couldn't help myself. "What about you? I mean you wouldn't miss me so much if you wre living with us would you?" He sounded as excited as it made me feel.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked, "I mean I'm sure Niall didn't mean a girl when he agreed to find a flatmate. But just for you're information, that doesn't mean I object..."

Louis shrugged, "I don't think he'd care. I mean we didn't specify so, well yeah you should come."

I smiled broadly but was still sceptical about it, "You just ask him first before you make any decisions." I decide.

 "Ok," he agreed and the tension from earlier was forgotten about because we were happy.
... "OH I think I just saw a SHOOTING STAR!" he said way too loudly and it echoed through the lonely night.

"Careful, if a directioner heard that, they'd bring half of Britain in a flash," I warned, but I laughed and asked him to point it out to me. When I couldn't spot it, he took my hand and tried to point it out from my line of vision but it escaped me. "Where?" I asked again and again but he sighed loudly. "Well you've MISSED it now." he said.

 "I guess it takes one to see one," I said.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"A star. I guess it takes one to see one."

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