Chapter 3

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It feels like yesterday we went on that eventful shopping trip, I think as I stuff the tents in the boot. Niall comes out with two bags of lollies and chucks them in the front seat. "What are those for?" I ask.

"The car trip," He says as though it makes perfect sense.

"The car trip to the airport?" I say.

"Obviously. It's like a whole hour of driving, so obviously we need food," he reasons. Typical Niall. Yes he really does eat as much as everyone thinks.

"As long as I get some," I allow. "Is that everything?"

"You guitars won't fit in the boot so you can share the back seat with them, Emily," Louis says coming around holding the cases in each hand.

"Who says, I am sitting in the back?" I question.

"Us." they say in unision, and I would be annoys but it makes me smile. I climb in the back and think about how lucky I am to know them. They chatter, and I realise how much I love Niall's accent, even after all this time. I stare out the window and the sun's just beginningto peek over the roof of our house as though to say goodbye. The houses whiz past so quickly that I think Louis drives just a little too fast. My hand unconsciously reaches up to my necklace and toys with it. I stare blindly out the window, thinking of the other boys, and how amzing it will be to finally meet them properly. Sure, Louis and Niall hang out with them a lot and spent  their liveswith them, but I try to keep out of at least that part of Louis' life. I guess the idea of fame scares me.

Niall's voice snaps me from my thoughts. "You ok?" he asks.

I nod, "Why?"

"You're just a lot quieter than normal, that's all," he says.

"Just thinking. Do you think they will actually like me?" I ask and it sounds stupid because two of One Direction are already my bestfriends and here I am wondering of the other three will accept me. I've got more than I could ask for already.

"You'll just be another part of the group by the end of the week, I promise," Louis says.

"Plus you made me like you," Niall adds.

"Yeah but I wasn't trying," I admit.

"Want a lollie?" Niall says, changing the subject and offers the packet to me. I stick my hand in and rumage around before pulling out the last two sour snakes.

"What's in the other packet?" I ask, hoping for more.

"Umm... Nothing," Niall says.

And Lousi adds, "Anymore... And don't blame me because I only had like five. The rest of both packets was all Niall here."

"I'm disappointed but hardly surprised," I say as I chuck both my lollies into my mouth. I instantly scrunch up my face, closing my eyes as I chew them quickly.

"They don't call them sour snakes for noithing." I can practically hear Niall's wide grin as he speaks. Sure enough when I open my eyes and swallow he's looking back at my, with that wonderful look pasted on his face.  I know there are thousands of girls out there who would faint if he smiled at them like that and they'd be damn right to do so. He sticks his tongue out teasingly as before he turns back to the road, and starts a conversation with Louis again. I stay quiet until we reach the airport. Our car is ushered to a private carpark where we won't be seen boarding the private plane.

"We're here!" Louis says happily after he parks the car. "There they are!"

Him and Niall hop out of the car, waving to the others. I stay still for a moment taking in the feeling of meeting someone new who you already feel you know. "Coming?" Niall asks expectantly.

"Yeah, absolutely," I say a little too quickly, slightly embarrassed. I unbelt myself and grab the guitar cases as I get out. Niall shuts the door behind me and we leave the car unlocked. I look over to see Louis running to them. Niall follows him but I stay atasafe walk. Liam spots me before Harry or Zayn. The way his eyes look me over once... and then again sends a shiver through me. Good or bad? I'm not sure.

 "Hey!" Harry shouts and he's got this gorgeous infectious smile as he waves to me and I smile back. "You must be Emily," he says as I stop beside them."Louis and Niall have told us all sorts about you."

"And you too,"I say. He leans over to give me a nice-to-meet-you kind of hug which ends up justbeing awkward because my hands are full. In the end I just put our guitars down to discourage further embarrassment. "It's amazing to finally meet you.. properly that is... I mean I've been to one of your concerts before... with Louis of course... I'm just going to stop talking now," I say and my embarrassment shows in my voice.


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