Chapter 2

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Louis reluctantly agrees to take me shopping the next day. Niall stays at home and I don't blame him because one boy from 1D brings enough fangirls as it is. We don't go to the main shopping mall but it's bad enough anyway. Within 5 minutes at the outdoors supplies shop, five fangirls stood outside the shop, faces pressed to the window. I admit, it was a little distracting trying to look for new tents (at the moment we only have one double sleeper and we need two more) when the camera flashes grew brighter and brighter in the corner of my eyes.

Louis sighed as the crowd grew and he took a moment to pose for the cameras before we decided to make a beeline for the back of the shop. This of course changed nothing, because well, Directioners are determined, if not crazy. We decided on a small double sleeper, that was almost identicle to the other one we have. "Why not something different? Or bigger?" I ask.

"Because I know how to set this one up." he reasons.

"You mean I do?" I counter, rolling my eyes.

He nods, "You couldn't put anything bigger up by yourself." he teases.

"Want to bet?" I say and add, "We are bring four more boys. You can't be suggesting that none of them can put a tent up?"

"Yeah, your right, Liam can put a tent up but I can't say much for the others," he says, and we laugh. I bet the fans outside don't even hear it over their screaming and shouting.

"How do we get out of here?" I ask. The paps have arrived, the crowd fill the pavement and have trickled onto the road.

Louis shrugged, "Should've brought security," he says with a sigh. "Maybe if we disappear long enough, they'll think we somehow left?" he suggests.

I frown, "Disappear?" I ask.

He smiles and puts a hand on my back, gently guiding me into the display tent we were looking at. The entrance faces the counter, not the window so they probably didn't see. He zips the tent up behind us and lies back. "We could be here for a while."

"Well I must say camping in a tent in a shop in the middle of the day will be a new experience for me," I declare.

"I can't say the same for myself," Louis says.

"You've done this before? How could I not know this?" I ask, intrigued.

"Well not exactly this, but it's not been the first time we've hid from fans in a shop," he says.

"Wait what? Next thig you'll be telling me you've all slept in the same bed."  I tease.

"That's funny because we have," he admits.

My jaw drops in a surprised smile. "Oh my gosh, How do you all even fit on one bed. You'd think you'd need more space. Well maybe not you, but Zayn at least?" I ask.

"It was like and overlapping top'n'tail or something like that," he says.

"That sounds so wrong! Goodness me Louis," I scorn, playfully.

He just shakes his head and smiles. He sits with his knees pulled up to his chest, his hands clasped in front of his legs. On the otherhand I sit with my legs crossed, leaning back and rocking on my palms. I still hear the screams of fans through the glass of the shop window, and the canvas of the tent. Then I hear the tent's zip being pulled down. I look up expectantly, bracing myself for the worst. But it's just the shop assistant leaning down and looking in. He blonde bangs fall over her eyes and she smiles sheepishly.

"Shhh, we're hiding," Louis mimmicks a young child's voice. I shake my head, embarassed by him.

"Maybe you want to take the back door?" she offers. My cheeks glow red, we were so foolish. Why didn't think of that?

"Of course, that would be smart," Louis says, and I can tell he's a bit embarrassed too. I almost laugh. Louis Tomlinson embarrassed is a rare sight. We get out of the tent and she ushers usto the back door, out of sight of the fans, but I still feel like the eyes are boring into my back. We step outside and I'm thankful no fans are waiting here. He stops for a moment and the realisation crosses his face. "We should probably go back in there and buy those tents. Otherwise it was for nothing." he says flatly.

He looks so reluctant that I almost pity him but I don't because he's the one with a the amazing fans, not me. I offer to go back in by myself though, "Here give me your wallet, I'll be sure to pay us half and half."

"Ok," is all he says because he knows that I don't like him offering to pay for me, no matter how much money has. I walk in and stop short because not the shop is swarming with fans, tryingto buy anything that louis so much as looked at in the store. As I fight my way through the crowd, with my head down and hood pulled over my eyes I manage to at least feel good for helping the store with sales. I quickly purchase the tents and heave them outside the back door where I collapse them on the pavement beside Louis. "Heavy," I mutter.

It takes five minutes of ninja creeping and still having to take photos with at least 20 girls until we get back into the cars and pull the doors shut. "Well that was eventful." I say, sighing.

"Could've been worse," Louis says. I shrug because I don't know how it could've been worse. As I pull out it's only into a traffic jam which isn't really uncommon here. The heating comes on and I drape my wrists over the steering wheel. Louis wrestles around his seatbelt to get off his fur-lined denim jacket.

"You've got to the only human being who can actually look fashionable in one of those." I decide.

He must not have heard me because he just turns the radio up and sings along for the ride home. I don't argue because his voice is more than pleasant to listen to.

* * * * *

"How was it?" Niall asks as soon as we walk in the door.

"Eventful to say the least," Louis said.

"Like what?" Niall urges.

"Like getting embarrassed by a SUPER HOT shot assistant," Louis says sheepishly.

"OMG is that all you've been thinking about?" I ask, realising why he was so quiet. "That's stupid Louis. I mean for started you're Louis Tomlinson. And second let's just remember that you have a girlfriend," I try to sound disaproving but I just end up laughing. So does Niall. Louis bites his lip and grins a little.

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