Chapter 1 (Prologue)

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So here I go again, with another new story without finishing others. I will say that this has been on hold for a while from the time that I release this properly. I will have written all beforehand and then published later, as I will have ideas and I don't really have any ideas on what to do with my others at the minute. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as I am going to have to improve my battle scenes and build up, but hopefully, you enjoy! :)

Also, all rights of Pokémon and the characters belong to Game Freak and the Pokémon Company, while the plot is mine.

The young woman stood on the hill overlooking the stadia below her, that was to hold the Tournament of Bonds, starting the following day in Lumiose City. It was a crisp and slightly chilly Friday night, as she looked at the main city of her home region. The white-furred and black-faced wolf-like Pokémon with a scythe for a horn was huddled up to her on her right as she sat on the hills overlooking the stadium, and her other companion on her other side, a white mammalian fox-like Pokemon with pink bows on its neck and left ear with ribbons sprouting from her ears.

"Miss Serena, are you OK?" The wolf seemed to be gesturing by cuddling up to her.

"Yes, I am fine thanks, Absol." She said as she moved some of her hair behind her ear as the wind picked up. She had grown it out again since the last time that they had met or spoken. It was now the length of halfway down her back, and she still had the succulent caramel blonde colour from those many years ago.

She had had a change of heart once she arrived in that foreign region and stepped out into the humid air of Hoenn. She originally went for contests, but as she grew closer and closer to that Grand Festival, she didn't get the result she wanted.

Runner-up once more.

She headed to Sinnoh and tried there too, and reached the final, but failed at the final hurdle again.

She had enough. She went off of the map to everyone, apart from those who she trusted to keep her identity a secret. Those were her closest friend she made in her travels through the said regions, Dawn. She had known Ash beforehand and only used Serena's name when it was warranted. She knew of Serena's crush on him and her failures and decided to travel with her through Sinnoh.

Since they had both conquered their respective worlds by storm, they decided to switch to actual battling with gym battles and competitions.

They both took on Sinnoh and reached the quarters, before getting knocked out. As they did Dawn's home region, they went to Kalos next, where Serena beat Dawn to reached the final, before she lost on the last Pokémon, with the last move, like how Ash had 6 years beforehand.

Both girls had caught new and evolved old Pokémon so that they had a bolster of a roster to choose from.

No one had kept in touch with her through throughout this all. She felt betrayed, to say the least. Clemont, Bonnie, Shauna, even Miette to a degree.

But none of these topped the pain that Ash had inflicted on her and overall her confidence. Although she didn't show it, a message or call, even a letter would have done her wonders, and Dawn saw this every day. There were times where she had Serena fall asleep on her from her crying and rambling about nothing. Although she hadn't been fully betrayed, it certainly felt like it to her. She knew they also had busy schedules, but it hurt nonetheless.

She had also turned more into an introversive person. Away went the dresses and skirts, and out came more jeans, hoodies with her tank tops. Her riding boots were swapped out for knee-high ones, and more plimsoles and trainers. Fewer pinks and reds into oranges and blues. More different hairstyles like braids and ponytails along with more earrings and jewellery were present with Serena too. She had completely changed her style from a true girly girl, into a more relaxed and quiet one.

She enjoyed being changed. It reminded her of when she lost her first showcase in Coumarine City. But this was the second one. The betrayal change.

Her main team now comprised of the 4 main core types, Fire, Grass, Electric and Water, and then two of her others, depending on who she fancied using. Her Fire-type was her first one ever, her Delphox. Delphox had been there since day 1, starting as a Fennekin and then evolving into Braixen when she fought Aromatisse and Aria's Delphox after her and Pancham had a fight. She evolved into Delphox during Serena's travels through Hoenn, and she now knew a lot more viable moves like Psychic, Psybeam and Dazzling Gleam, as well as Flamethrower. She was still Serena's number 1 partner, and you couldn't really see any change in the future.

Her Water-type was a Sharpedo she caught in Hoenn. He evolved from a Carvanha just before the Grand Festival in Slateport City and had moves like Ice Fang, Earthquake, Crunch and Waterfall. He was quite relaxed for a Sharpedo, instead of being typically feisty like others, and was like Clemont's Chespin, as it always liked her Pokepuffs and other food-related topics.

Her Grass-type was her Leafeon, or Sylveon's little brother as she liked to call him. He was her birthday present from Dawn during their Sinnoh gym travels, and he was a good battler at that. He had Chlorophyll as his ability, and Sylveon had nursed him from the first hatched as an Eevee in Eterna City. He knew Sunny Day, Leaf Blade, Solar Beam and Synthesis as his moves, and was a very viable tag battle partner for her Houndoom and Delphox at select times.

Her final core type, which was her Electric type was a Manectric, which was also one of her Mega Evolve capable Pokémon. He was quite hyper, like any normal dog, and could be quite lazy at the same time. He was found abandoned in Hoenn near Mauville City. He knew strong moves like Flamethrower, Thunderbolt and Bite, as well as Fire Fang for coverage.

Her other Pokémon not on her at that moment included Houndoom with his Houndoomite, Nidoking, Gallade with Galladite, her Pangoro, who had evolved from Pancham, Ludicolo, Magnezone, Lucario with Lucarionite, a Charizard with Charizardite X and others like Froslass and even Terrakion, who she had helped on a vacation to Unova, who was her proudest capture to date.

But on her at that moment were Sylveon and Absol. Absol was her first capture of Hoenn. He was very relaxed and seemed quite intelligent while liking to play with his companions and seldom was a flirt with other female companions. He was like the father figure, strong and disciplined. And then there was Sylveon, the mother figure of the group. Having nursed Leafeon from when he was just a kid with a strong little brother, and helping the newcomers to the group, as well as her trainer. She missed one certain yellow mouse and there were others too who missed long-lost companions from the original travels of Kalos the first time.

However, it wasn't only just the betrayal from her friends that was hurting Serena, there was another reason too...

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