Chapter 25

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Ariel's POV
"Blake got caught kissing Loren, outside of the building" Nathan said. I gasped, tears started to brim in my eyes. "B-BUT HOW DID LOREN GET THERE?!?" I said still crying. Steven then came to me and hugged me, "I don't know, I need the managers to check the cameras... I'm sorry for what happened, Blake can be a real d-" he said, but I cut him off, "yeah he can... umm, well thanks for telling me Nathan, your a good friend" I said kind of laughing. "No problem Ariel, so uh, I'll talk to you later" he said. "Ok bye" I said. Then I hung up. I looked at my phone, I bit my lip, " WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO F****** HAPPEN TO ME?!?! I ALWAYS GET CHEATED ON!!!!! WHYYY!!!!" I said screaming, tears pouring out, "calm down babe...  I don't know why he cheated on you, he cheated on a person who was funny, beautiful, smart, confident,... " he said still hugging me.  I shook my head, "WHY DID LOREN DO THAT TO ME!! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!! BUT NOOO SHE WANTS TO KISS MY BOYFRIEND AND THINKS EVERYTHING WILL BE OK AFTER THAT!!" I screamed. Tears still pouring out, my face probably looks like a mess right now, but I could care less. I turned around "Steven do you think, if I was out of this world, everyone would be happy without me??" I asked looking at him. " No love,Why would you think that?? I love you more than anything, and I don't want to lose you, if I lost you,  I would be a mess, I won't be the same.. you matter to a LOT of people, including your parents, if they lost you, they would never be happy again, because they lost someone who they truly loved with all their heart, and if you think you don't belong in this world, don't think that, because your perfect, your in this world for a reason, your life won't be perfect, there will be some up and downs in your life time, and right now there's a down, but you'll have to move on and you'll have to live with it." He said. I smiled, "thanks, I love you Steven" I said. Hugging him. "I love you too boo" he said smiling. "Steven, can you take me back to the bus??" I asked him. "Are you sure?" he said. I nodded. He sighed "ok then" he said. I then put on my boots on and then I grabbed my sweater. I grabbed my cup that doesn't have any tea anymore, and I got out of the house, we then started to drive to where the bus was at. [10 minutes later] we finally arrived, I took off my seatbelt and I turned around, I smiled "thanks Steven, for letting me stay with you, especially after what just happened" I said. He smiled "no problem boo, call me if you need anything" he said. I nodded. I then opened the door and I closed the car door behind me, I turned around and I waved goodbye to him. He then did the same, then he drove off, I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. I opened the door from the bus and I entered, I only saw my mom, she looked at me, "oh honey, Blake did a very stupid thing, but are you going to break up with him??" She said asking. I nodded my head." I can't take it anymore mom, I keep on getting cheated on" I said tears pouring out. "Take a break, and then you decide if you want to be in a relationship or not" she said. I need to do that. "Yea, thanks mom" I said. She nodded smiling sweetly. I put the cup on the table, and I went on my bunk, and I waited for the show to be over, [20 minutes later] I heard the door bus open and I heard voices, I saw Nathan, he quickly ran to me and hugged me, "I'm so sorry girl" he said. "It's fine, I'm gonna break up with him anyway" I said. "Ok" he said. Then going back to his bunk, I then saw Blake,he looked sad, good, it's what he deserves, I went up to him and slapped him, SUPER HARD, his cheek was red, he hissed and held his cheek, "look I'm sorry Ariel for what I did I can make it up to yo-" he said, but then I cut him off, "WE ARE THROUGH!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!? I NEVER WANT TO BE WITH YOU AGAIN!" I said screaming at his face. Tears started to brim in his eyes, "please baby girl, I don't wanna lose you" he said. I scoffed, "well you just did" I said. Then I went back to my bunk and cried, "hey Ariel," I heard Sophia say, "hi" I said. "I know what Blake did, that was super stupid, he deserves to be punished, for what he did" she said, "well I have to go" she said. "Ok" I said. Then went away. Then Weston came, "Blake shouldn't be your boyfriend anymore, you know who should ??? SPONGEBOB SHOULD BE YOUR NEXT BOYFRIEND," he said. I then laughed. "Well I hope you feel better" he said. "Thanks Weston, your my favorite annoying friend," I said smiling. He fake gasped and put his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt, "I'm not annoying" he said. I laughed. "Bye Weston" I said "bye" he said. Then he took off. I then got underneath my covers and I cried myself to sleep.

Hey my beautiful flowers! Hope you had an amazing day! I love you! And don't forget to vote, comment. Share and add to your reading list or private library! Love you! Bye!!❤️❤️💖💖🌸🌸

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