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8th September 2008

Joe slowly began to open his eyes. The light began to creep into his eyes making jump back underneath the covers.

"Morning" Caspar said already out of bed and getting dressed.

"Morning" joe mumbled.

"Happy birthday princess" he said leaning over kissing joe on his temple.

"Mmh..." joe mumbled covering himself with his blanket.

"Come on, your nine teen. We can have fun" Caspar said.

Joe immediately shot up from his bed and grabbed Caspar by the arm and tugged him onto the bed. "Can this be our first fun activity?" Joe said running his fingers through Caspar blonde hair.
"Morning sunshine" Caspar said picking Milla up out of her cot.

"Morning" she said rubbing her eyes. 

"It's a beautiful day for a beautiful girl" he said picking her up and swinging her around. "It's daddies birthday" Caspar said. Milla's eyes lit up and she began to sing happy birthday quietly. "Yes baby happy birthday daddy".

"Cake?" She asked. "The most cake in the world" Caspar said swing her around. "But we have to be quiet, we're making daddy breakfast in bed"

Milla nodded vigorously. "Pancakes" Milla said, pancake was the new word that she had been completely in love with saying and would say it over and over.

"Yes baby, and coffee."

"Coffeeee" Milla said extending the 'E'. "Shhh, baby we have to be quite. We can't let daddy know"
"No milla! No sticky fingers on the couch!" Caspar yelled as he watched Milla run towards there white couch.

"These?" Milla said showing her hands.

"Yes those Milla"

"Oh" she said wiping her hand on her dress. "Better?"

"No baby, not better. Come here let me clean you up. It's daddies birthday, you have to look good, ok?"

Milla nodded as Caspar wiped her face and dress.
Caspar unlocked the door and watched as Milla ran through and jumped up onto joes lap.

"Oh Milla, good morning"

"Happy birthday daddy."

"Thank your sweetheart" he said running his fingers through her hair.

"We made breakfast, look!"

"Yes you did, want some?" He said. Milla nodded and she ran her finger into the jam.

Joe scooped some up on to his finger and placed it on milla's nose "bop".
22nd November 2008

Milla sat in her car seat singing when I grow up.

"When I grow up, I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I-I wanna be in movies." She stopped in this middle of the song and said "Daddy when I grow up I wanna be like Caspy."

"Why Caspy, what about me?" Joe said looking at Caspar who was smirking

"I mean who wouldn't like to be like Caspy. Look at me" Caspar said with a smirk on his face.

"Look at you, look at me. Milla don't you want to grow up like your daddy?"

"He is my daddy" she said.

Caspar quickly shot a look at joe. Joe turned down the music and asked "sorry Milla what did you just say"

"Caspy is my daddy silly."

Caspar looked back at Milla and put his arm on her leg. "I love you"
24th November 2008

Joe pumped the shampoo into his hand and began lather it into milla's hair massaging it into her scalp. He grabbed the cup filled with warm water and poured it over milla's head. Bubbles filled the bath and Milla giggled as she splashed the water and watched the bubbles fly out of the bath on her daddy.

"Milla your such a goose"

"A gooooose" she said holding onto the 'o' "quake goes that goose"

Joe knowing very well that a goose dose not quake but a honk he replied with "quake quake quake" he said as he moved his arms around like a bird.

"Your the silly goose daddy!" Milla said giggling at her daddy as he flapped his arms around.
two year old Milla is freaking adorable.
updates on this book will be around once or twice a week.


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