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many of you dont know me and most likely never will but i need your help. I am currently very confused in my life, yes i know another young teen confused ahh shock horror. No, I really need help. I am currently 'straight' and my friends will without a doubt say 'oh, she is the straightest person i know.' but i feel as though i am not. Ever since i was around 8 (i think) i can remember walking down stairs at school and without thinking clutching onto a girls hand then later becoming more closer with her and when i was 10 (yet again i think) i leaned in to kiss her, i didnt know what gay was but i was often called that. Me at the age of 10 remeber 'gay' being happy like i had heard in mary poppins. 

But i am currently crushing on a guy as well, he is sooooo beautiful (i could talk about him all day!) but i am also crushing on a girl (like wise, perfectttt). They guy is not my 'perfect type' but i really like him, oh and the girl she is the one. I kinda know the girl is gay (i guessed) and i feel very flirty around her. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!!?!?!?!? 

I have felt that i was Bisexual from around the age of 12 when i finally realized just what was  going on inside my head. 

i really need help, i know 0 people will respond because i am rambling but, i need help. badly. 

I was thinking of making this a sort of book 'a teens sexuality troubles' where i could ask and kinda give adivice. 

Please, i need some help. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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