Before 3

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"It's okay babe," Louis said reassuringly to a panicking Harry, "I promise it is okay and I love you." 

Harry couldn't breath. He felt like he was gonna pass out but he was trying his hardest not to. This was his third panic attack today and he didn't know why. Maybe because the VMA's are soon but he didn't really think about it all that much. He was excited to go to his first VMA's with Louis as his plus one. They are both nominated for awards and they both got invited to perform so they have been riding to and from rehearsals since they started a few days ago. 

"I h-hate this." Harry panted out, "Make it stop."

"Okay Haz, let's go lay down on the couch 'k?" Harry slowly nodded, trying to catch his rapid breath. 

Louis lifted Harry bridal style, sure Harry was taller but Louis had more muscle. When they reached the couch Louis slowly laid the boy in his arms onto the couch and put a blanket over him. Louis sat for about fifteen more minutes rubbing Harry's back before the boy passed out making Louis sigh.

Louis stood up and walked quietly to the love seat a few feet away and sat down, picking up the TV remote to put something on.

A few minutes later, Louis was out like a light, both boys snoring softly.


I don't know why but I felt like this flashback needed to be in the book. It kinda goes along with During 3 because of what happened. 

Yesterday was my moms birthday so I am sorry I didn't get a chance to upload then but I am hereeeeee! I will be working on the newest chapter to this book right after I publish this one. Hopefully I get it done before I go to sleep. 

God guys life sucks. If you don't know, I have struggled with mental illness since I can remember so :/ But it's been super sucky lately ya know? I despise school with my entire being and I don't think I've ever met a teenager whom hates school as much as I do. I seriously have been considering just giving up but I really am trying. My dad and I scream at each other non-stop and it really takes a toll on me. I don't feel that he cares. He always puts me down but what can I do? He is my parent. My sister has been having a shitty time so she hasn't really been talking to anyone and my brother and I aren't close so... I relapsed on cutting and I recently stopped so yay me! I think. It's been really hard to be positive but I'm trying. Also, I know some people may have worse problems then me so sorry it may seem I'm complaining about nothing but. Sorry rant over.

Writing has been helping a lot so I am glad I got back into it.

See you beauties soon! :)

Message me if you ever need someone, I am here.

Words: 503

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