During 6

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Harry had another day full of promotion interviews and to tell you he was exhausted was an understatement. He had been running back in forth from interview to interview and he was tired of it. He was tired of getting the same questions over and over again. Each interview they talked a little about his VMA performance but then it's all about girls or Louis. Not only did he obviously hate getting asked about his old friend, girls were the other thing he hated getting asked about. He was painted as a man whore so people constantly want to know what girl he is with and he is tired of pretending. He is tired of having to sleep on a hotel couch while a random girl sleeps on the bed just so paps can catch them walking out in the morning, he is tired of having to go on awkward dates with girls he doesn't truly like. They were sometimes nice but they were usually gold diggers, always in it for only the money, or the sex they never got.

Today he was also asked about the live stream. He was stressed from it all but his management just kept adding more. They thought that tonight would be the perfect night for him to go on another fake date with another beard. He was on his way to meet this new girl of his at a fancy restaurant he had never heard of. Niall was sitting in the passenger seat trying to calm Harry but it never worked on days like this. Harry was running over his apparent relationship story in his head, the two had been secretly dating for two months and he was just ready to introduce her to the public, well that's what he had to say to the public if he was asked.

Once they pulled up to the Italian restaurant, Harry shot his mom a text asking her and Gemma if they could book their flight sooner than what they planned. He was struggling more than he had and he didn't know how much more he could take. The VMA's were in a few weeks and after, he didn't know if he could continue under the management he had. He was thinking of breaking the contract and paying the money he needed to or go to court to fight it so he could leave but he didn't want to add that to the things he is stressing about.

Niall tapped on Harry's shoulder to catch his attention and pointed at the restaurant. His manager was motioning for him to get out of the car. Harry complied after saying goodbye to Niall and giving him the keys. He stepped out of his car and walked to the side of the restaurant, where the paps couldn't see them yet.

"She is in there with a black coat on," he said, getting straight to bushiness, "she will hug you as soon as you walk in and you will sit to have dinner, followed by a hotel."

Harry nodded and headed to the front door. Paps went insane as soon as they saw him. He walked into the restaurant, immediately being wrapped in a hug by a girl with a sea of blonde hair.

When they stepped back from the hug he studied her, she was blonde with blue eyes and a warm smile.

"Hi I am Ella," she smiled, "I am so sorry you have to do this. I didn't know what it really was until I signed the contract."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked in confusion.

"All I knew was that someone needed VMA promotion and I need any promotion I can get because I am trying to become a singer. I signed the contract and then they told me who you are and why you need this." She said frowning.

Harry was shocked, no beard of his has ever apologized for the shit they put him through.

He nodded with a small smile on his face. He pulled her chair out for her and she thanked him, sitting down.

"I have never been here," Harry said, looking up at Ella from the menu, "Do you know what is good?"

"Yes I do! My step-mom is Italian and she takes me here sometimes," Ella explained, then going into detail about some of the dishes she thought Harry would like.

Ella ended up ordering the same thing for her and Harry because he had no clue what any of the things on the menu were.

"This is really good." Harry mumbled after tasting the meal in front of him. Ella nodded in agreement.

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