Levi Vs Batman

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Levi was in his office. Some soldier came running inside, saying that they are under attack. A giant bat is attacking everyone.

Levi got off his office chair and ran to the armory, put on his gear and ran to the location where this bat creature is attacking.

Levi arrived at the location. He looked everywhere but there was no one to be found.

"Is this a joke?!" Levi yelled at the sky.

Suddenly a giant bat-like creature came down from the sky and kicked Levi in the face. Levi got up and looked at the dark creature. It wasn't a bat creature, but a man dressed in a bat suit.

"Who are you?" Levi asked, not sure of what's happening.

"I'm Batman."

Batman punched Levi in the stomach and then in the face and then did a spin kick but Levi dodged.

"You're a strong one, bat." Levi said.

Levi then pulled out his blade and rushed at Batman but Batman jumped in the air and avoided it. Batman then landed behind Levi. Levi then ran at Batman again but Batman used his bracers to block Levi's blades from touching him. Batman then used his other hand to try to disarm Levi but Levi dodged with a backflip.

Batman then threw a small smoke bomb in the ground and disappeared. When the smoke settled, Batman was nowhere to be found. Levi looked back at the scout base and ran inside.

He tried to warn his soldiers but he was too late. No one was there. They were all defeated by Batman. He went to Mikasa's room. He saw here on the ground. Her body was not moving. Levi didn't have time to grieve for her, he needed to round up enough soldiers and get them ready to fight the bat. Levi ran to Eren's room. He saw his body leaned on the wall. Blood all over him with a small bat simbol sticking on his chest and drawing blood from his heart. Levi's eyes teared up a bit but he ran all the way to hanji's office. And like the others, she was dead too. Then he ran to Erwin's office.

Levi opened the doors. He saw what he couldn't believe. Erwin was hanged in his own office. Levi started to cry. He knew he Is the only one left. But then he picked himself back up as continued his mission, believing he needs to avenge everyone.

Levi ran further inside the base. He found himself in the dining hall.

Levi looked left and right but the bat was nowhere to be found. He walked a little further but then he felt a strange sticky liquid on his left foot. He looked down and saw that he stepped on a blue liquid substance.

Suddenly this substance exploded and Levi was on the ground. A moment later, Levi was on his feet. He ran back outside the base.

It was midnight and the moon lit the whole base from the outside. Suddenly the moon showed a black bat shadow on the roof of the base. Levi looked up and saw that Batman was on the roof.

Levi thrusted to the roof and was now on one side while the Batman was on the other.

"You'll pay for killing them all." Levi said in the most hostile and angry voice he could pull.

Levi ran at Batman with the mightiest battle cry ever and started swinging his blades left and right. But Batman kept dodging and blocking Levi's attacks. Then Batman got the upper hand and punched Levi in the stomach. And then he kicked him away.

Batman then ran at Levi and threw a Batarang that stabbed Levi in the eye. Levi screamed in pain but didn't have time to react and Batman punched him in the face and started to deliver a sequence of punches at him.

Levi was left groggy and hurt all over.

Batman then approached Levi slowly. He then used his explosive gel gun to spray the gel all over Levi. Levi was now covered with gel. His legs, his arms, his chest and head were all covered.

Batman then backed away and presses a button on his gun.


Levi exploded into pieces.

Batman pressed a few buttons on his gauntlet and then the Bat-Wing appeared in which Batman used to leave.

(In the theater)

Levi: AARGHH! Disgusting!

Eren: I can't believe this Batman is so strong.

Mikasa: he killed all of us?!

Armin: I'm not sleeping tonight.

Erwin: I was hanged...

Hanji: My Titan experiments...

Levi: I can't believe I died like this...

AwadaJ: *explains the origins of Batman*

Eren: Whoa!

Levi: so he suffered more than anyone did in our world?

Erwin: I wish we could recruit him. He could be a great asset.

AwadaJ8: That's all the time we got for! See ya next time!

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