Chapter 3: garage

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Mikey and I were waiting in the garage with the door open. Mikey was tuning his bass and I was just sitting and waiting. I was enjoying not wearing my uniform. I looked up and saw Ray. I got and greeted him. Then he sat down and unpacked his guitar and began tuning with Mikey. I asked Ray to pick out what we should practice from the folder of music we have.

"I think that this song we made up is nearly perfected by now," Ray said looking at a sheet of music.

"Which one?" I asked him and he handed me a sheet f paper. Oh I recognized this song. We haven't named it yet. Its a song about the more horror aspects of school relationships. A boy and a girl like each other, they get together, they brake up, then a bunch of drama happens, yatta yatta yatta.  Ray and I experienced a couple arguing once because these pictures were released to the school. Almost everyone got a hold of them. I saw almost because Ray, Mikey and I didn't see them. I'm pretty sure that the boyfriend was the one who took the photos. Two weeks later the girl tried to kill herself by jumping off the second floor. She didn't die but she broke her foot. It was quite the week.

"Sure, what do you think Mikey?" I asked. Mikey didn't hear me. He was looking at the tape recorder and he had a tape in his hand too. Mikey snapped out of it and said "huh, sure," I looked down at music and looked back up and I saw Frank walking onto my driveway with his guitar.

"Hey," Frank said looking around in my garage.

"Sup man," I responded.

"You have a neat garage, lots of stuff here," He said.

"Thanks, do you want to see the music?"

"Oh, yeah sure." I handed him the sheet of music for rhythm guitar. As he watched I could faintly hear him trying out the notes the music. Frank figured out those lyrics quicker that I could memorize the lyrics.

"Do you think that we'll be able to pull it off,?" Mikey asked as he played with the tape reorder. I think he was trying to figure out how it works.

"I'm sure we'll be okay," Ray responded.

"What makes you say that?" In asked him.

"Oh, its nothing, I just have my thoughts," Mikey said and looked back down when he finally managed to get the tape inside the recorder. I continued talking to Ray until I heard the awkward sounding footprints walk up to us.

"Umm, I'm ready to try playing if you guys want to," Frank said shyly. We all looked at each other and nodded, "sure." I stood up and Ray and Mikey got their instruments out. Ray took the music stand that I keep in the corner of the garage and set it in front of Frank. We all stood in positron and begin playing.  

All of us were shocked when the song was over. It was amazing I couldn't believe how it turned out. All us cheered and gave each other high fives when we finished.

"We fucking did it," I cried but then quickly covered my mouth because I thought my mom would hear me. There was a moment of silence which was followed by laughter. We then walked inside and went into the basement. The four of us talked and we got to know Frank a bit more.

"So when do you want to start the plan?" Frank asked.

"I don't know, we shouldn't do it right away though," Ray said.

"We need to think it through more," Mikey added.

"Okay," Frank said. It was quiet for a moment. "You guys know that we'll probably get kicked out of school."

All of us nodded.

"At this point, I don't care," Ray said.

"Yeah, no one would do anything to help us even when we asked," I added.

"This school has had it coming," Mikey said quietly. We all agreed. This school is getting whats coming to them. Everyone and everything their is terrible. This was as if my daydreams have come true.

The door on the top of he stairs opened and my mom said "Mikey, Gerard, your friends have to go home soon."

"Okay mom," I responded "do you want to go get your guitars,?" I asked.

"Yeah," Ray said and Frank nodded. We all walked upstairs and when we got upstairs I  opened the garage door. I didn't realize how dark it was outside, the sun was almost completely down. 

"I'm going to get going," Ray said and we waved goodbye. Mikey went inside a littel while after Ray left.

"I'm going to get going too now," Frank told me.

"Oh okay, see you," I said and I held out my hand for a high five. He didnt take it.

"Are you okay?" I asked


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm okay trust me," Frank told me. "I just wanted to say thanks, for talking to me and becoming my friend, I probably would've ended up doing the same thing I did in my old school if you guys weren't there," he explained to me.

"No problem man," I responded.Frank didn't respond. Then he walked up to me and Kissed me on the cheek before walking away. I smiled as I watched him walk away. I swear I hadn't felt this good in a long time.

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