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House: Hufflepuff
France is pretty laid back compared to some of the other characters (especially in the allies) he focuses more on beauty than fighting and has an appreciation for love. I think he'd make a good sassy Hufflepuff.

Bloodtype: Half-blood
France's mom was a wizard and his dad was a muggle. (It's really weird to say France instead of Francis. Like imagine naming your kid France)
France's mom is very protective of him and teaches him the importance of love. Her parents were strict pure bloods and she gave up her relationship with them to be with a muggle. France looks up to her a lot and tries to spread acceptance around the school for everyone. It's his dream to work for the ministry of magic and create a discrimination free wizarding world.

Best class: Transfiguation

Worst class: Potions

France is known around school as the "love doctor" (or "tool" if you're England)

France loves annoying England but is also really good friends with him because England needs someone to talk to and France is always there.

France gets in shit from professors all the time with Spain and Prussia.

France is a member of the frog choir

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