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Who? (I was tempted to name the chapter that instead of Canada but I felt too bad)

House: Gryffindor
It was a difficult choice between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor but I went with Gryffindor because I think it suits him more and how he grows as a character. Sort of like how Neville was sorted into Gryffindor.

Blood type: Pureblood
Like America, he grew up in the wizarding world. He was overlooked by his family because he never stood out like his brother, he always felt like a clone and like there was something wrong with him. He wasn't a natural at magic, he had to work hard to learn, but he did. He didn't understand how his brother could hate all of the attention, just like how his brother was envious at his ability to makes friends so easily. But as he got older, he grew more comfortable with himself and who he was, deciding to take the more laid back way. America supports him and the two have a very close relationship.

Best class: Charms

Worst class: Divination

Canada and America share a dorm

Canada has a snowy owl named Kumajiro, who is always with him. (Get it, cause owls say who?, I'm such an asshole)

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