A Choice of the Heart - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The wind blew and it was like viewing from window blinds. Isabelle hurried towards the school's canteen while hastily wiping strands of hair from her face. She bumped into something or someone but too caught up to care. Once that was done, Isabelle turned her head and reflexively smacked her forehead. She bumped into Juanito, that was for sure. He was the only person at the entrance. Isabelle felt sorry for herself and Juanito. She should have said sorry to the poor guy rather than swiping away hair. Stupid hair. She headed towards their classroom and opened the door like always. The smell of floor wax, chalk dust and sweat instantly arouse. She led out a deep breath and came in. Isabelle plopped down her stuff and headed for the door. With nothing to do she just wanted fresh air. She decided to sit on one of the stairs. Seeing empty corridors, Isabelle stretched her aching feet when Juanito passed by and tripped. Luckily he caught his balance with the rails. Strike two. Isabelle was caught by surprise. She stood up and bowed her head frantically then ran from Juanito. It was psychotic. Juanito was taken aback too but after Isabelle's stunt, he couldn't help but grin. He raced up the stairs and didn't bother to chase after Isabelle.

Isabelle was out of breath. She was at the canteen. Instant flashbacks came to her as to why she was standing at the empty room. That was humiliating. Embarrassing. Her heart was beating fast not just from the running. She instantly felt nothing. She wanted to sit down but her feet didn't move. Why did she ran off? Why did her stupid hair have to impair her vision. It was cold enough that she was all alone. No one to comfort her, no one to ask for advice. She can't exactly ask for help from a bunch of cafeteria ladies. Right? The bell rang, it was time to head up. Isabelle sighed and started upstairs. Everything went by like lightning. She didn't feel a thing. There we're people passing by, laughing and smiling as they headed for the ceremony; but Isabelle didn't hear them nor did she recognized their existence. She was lonely and alone. Maria forced a smile on her, but to no avail. The day passed by with sadness, like a stormy cloud was above her. One single moment made her feel like she was in hell. The chariot was once again in front of her. Isabelle slouched on the comfy seat. Tears were starting to build up; but she didn't give in, no guy was worth it. She stared straight into the road and looked at the beautiful sky. They were approaching the gate and sitting on a bench was a guy whom Isabelle knew could never break her heart.

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