Chapter Two - True Colors

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Chapter 3 is officially called "Timed are Tough"

Star was filled with jealousy, causing her to lose control of herself as she grabbed her wand. She broke through the the wall of her room and began making her way towards the school. On the way there, her eyes went from green and slowly started to fade to pink just after she shot a spell from her wand into the sky. As this was happening, she remembered all the times she shared with Marco. Starting from the very beginning, when she liked calling him "safe kid". She closed her eyes. She continued to think of Marco and her. She remembered when he stood up for her, and defended her when ludo showed up for the first time, even though Marco seemed upset with her. Star opened her eyes, and the green was suddenly gone. Her eyes were now pink, and slowly returned to her natural sky blue eyes. Star slowly fell to the ground, and struggled to go anywhere due to the illness she got earlier.

Meanwhile, Marco waited for Jackie by his locker. He was scared because he didn't know what she wanted to talk about, and he couldn't help but think of Star. He was worried about her. Marco wanted to get home as soon as possible. He promised Star he would be there and then changed his plans because of Jackie. He wanted to prove to Star that he could be a reliable friend, even though he knew that she already saw him as one. Marco finally saw Jackie as she was walking up to him. He got a hold of himself and tried focusing on Jackie.

"Hey Jackie!" Marco nervously said.

"Hey, I just want to apologize earlier for how I acted, I was being selfish." Jackie said with a look of sincerity

"It's fine Jackie, but Stars my friend, and I told her I would be there for her right after school."

"Well then you better get going, she needs you right now."

As Marco heard Jackie say that, his eyes flashed purple. He saw a glimpse of the blood moon ball. He watched him and Star dance under the light, as the phrase "Moon of Lovers" replayed over and over. All of this happened In a second, like time had slowed down. Jackie leaned in to kiss him, but again his switched purple, this time however, his pupil was laced in green ring. He saw Star laying on the ground in pain with her wand. He saw her wand switching back and forth rapidly from green to pink. As Jackies lips were about to meet Marco, a bolt of green slammed into the lockers next to them, causing them to slam open and closed countless times. Marco stood still, staring at the lockers. He slowly backed away, whispering, "My vision...". When he realized his vision came true, he thought about what he just saw. If his visions were true, then he had to go and check if Star was actually on the top ground where he saw in his vision. He started running. Jackie, looking confused, stared at Marco as he ran. Marco looked back while running, shouting, "Sorry Jackie, I think Star's in trouble!"

Star woke up in place she hasn't ever seen before. It was dark. The sky was filled with pulsating green strips that flowed through the sky. She looked in front of her, and saw a girl standing in front of giant castle, a castle that reminded her of Ludo's. She walked up to the strange girl. Noticing who it was, she gasped and jumped back. It was her, except her clothes were black, and her eyes glowed bright green. Star pulled out her wand, and attempted to cast a spell, only for the wand to shake and fly into the hands of the girl who stood before her. It began to transform. The color was sucked out of it, making it black and white. Before she had time to react, a great flash came from the wand. It was a blinding green light, forcing Star to close her eyes.

Before opening her eyes again, she heard, "Star?". Star heard a voice say this over and over again. She slowly opened her eyes, seeing Marco hovering over her with a worried look on his face. Star's eyes were green, but they returned to blue as she opened them. She saw Marco put a smile on his face. Marco grabbed her and hugged her, saying, "I thought you were gone, you were completely out of it!". Star became worried about what she could become, and she was too weak to anything, including hug Marco back, even though she wanted to.

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