Lucifers Bride

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Lucifers Bride

Chapter one; New Home

The sky darkened and rain clouds rolled in overhead as Seph climbed into the social workers car. After slamming the door she reached to the radio,turning the volume up and adjusted the seat more to her liking. this was more than likely going to be a long drive and if so then she would not be enduring it uncomfortably.

James and Sarah, the couple who had been in charge of her welfare for the past six months didn't bother to come out to say goodbye. if it hadn't been for the fact that Emily was picking her up she doubted if they would have even been at home.

Sarah liked to drink and James liked someone else. it was a real chicken or the egg situation that Seph was happy to leave behind.

The stressed looking social worker got into the car and they took their leave. Emily tried to make conversation for the first few miles but eventually gave up. She had nothing to say that Seph wanted to hear. it was beginning to become a depressing tradition, sitting in that stupid old car with Emily trying to chat her ear Off as they drove to a new town, new school, new family.

A big fat raindrop hit the windscreen, swiftly followed by another. Seph watched them travel down the glass and sighed. she hoped this wasn't an omen.

for as long as she could remember, bad luck had plagued her. there was once a time when she had put so much effort into fitting in at one foster home or another. those days were long gone. it didn't matter how polite she could be, how tidy and well behaved.  Nobody kept her for more than a year. Emily would arrive, looking harassed and shed be off to the next home.

she had been given no explanation as to what happened to her parents. when she was younger Seph daydreamed about who they were, what they looked like, and why they had had to leave her outside a hospital as a newborn. nobody gave her any real answers so she imagined that she had gotten her dark brown hair from her mother and her green eyes from her father. in her mind her father was tall and kind, her mother beautiful and warm. she didnt think like that anymore. as they years went by her bitterness grew and she knew that she was never going to get adopted, nobody wanted a bitter sixteen year old, and she would just have to wait till she turned eighteen to get out of the system.

Emily turned down a small country road and Seph began to pay attention to their surroundings. there were nothing but fields on either side of the lane for miles. the road twisted and turned for what felt like hours until they suddenly came upon a large set of ornate gates.

"this is it" Emily said, her voice sounding scratchy after hours of silence. Seph sat up, trying to get a better look. the gates glided open to reveal a long sloping driveway with large oak trees to either side. they drove on until the large two story came into view. Red ivy covered the fron wall, the same shade as the front door, which stood open. A couple walked out and stood waiting for them, smiling. Seph looked them over as she removed her seatbelt and opened the car door. Emily made her way over to them. the woman was taller than her husband, with white blonde hair scraped back into a high pony tail. She wore a tailored trouser suit and expensive looking jewelrey. the man wore a dark suit and as she approached she saw the glint of a gold watch on his wrist. they looked to be in their fourties.

"Persephone i assume" the woman intoned, a too-white smile lighting up her face. The man went to the car and took out her bag. She wanted to grab it off him but held back. she didnt have much to call her own and didnt like people touching her things.

"Seph" she corrected automatically. she hated her name, the only thing her parents had ever given her. The woman smiled again as if that amused her. "Welcome." she said. "im hilda and this is Benjamin. we've so been looking forward to your arrival."

Seph did her best to smile in return but it faltered as she took another look at Benjamin. she could have sworn that when he looked over at the sound of his name his eyes went a little...strange. Had they been black for a second? she shook that odd thought away and followed the three adults into the house.

an hour later Emily was gone, looking proud of herself and Seph was being shown around her new home. 

"and this is your room" Hilda announced, opening the door to a pink nightmare. the walls were fucia, the bedclothes and curtains matched. she did her best to supress a shudder. at least she had her own bathroom. Hilda left with another blinding smaile and a reminder that dinner was at seven. 

Seph unpacked her small bag of belongings and took another look around. Her wardrobe was stocked with clothes that were definately not to her taste. everything was very girly and mostly pink. she shoved in her own worn jeans and hoodys where she could find room and closed the closet swiftly.  There was a set of shelves over a desk beside the large window full of books. She liked to read and so perused the titles. One look made her sigh in dismay.

"there had to be a catch" she whispered to herself. the books were all religious in nature. she did smile a little as she looked in the drawers in the desk and found a laptop. She had never had one before. 

that little excitement was doused after she turned it on and discovered that aside from educational websites, everything else was blocked. shoving it back in the drawer she lay on the bed and watched the clock by her bed until seven o clock rolled around.

dinner was an awkward affair. Hilda was full of questions and Benjamin stayed silent, though he seemed to be listening to her  answers intently. at least the food was good. after dessert she bid them goodnight and went back to her room. she felt two pairs of eyes on her back the whole time.

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