Chapter I - A New Threat

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The goddess of magic and crossroads was doing her usual task of the day: inventing new protective magic to protect her children from unwanted visitors. She was inside her dimly lighted cave and was struggling on inventing a permanent charm that will penetrate the gods from her magical world for decades. Controlling the mist was not enough. The gods are so powerful and they can see beyond the mist except on the really thick mist that she conjured around her world recently. She was strengthening the mist and making it even thicker every year. But it was not enough, some gods can still see her children and she didn’t know how they could. She’s going to do everything just to protect her children from those nasty gods. Especially on a primordial god who just got the knowledge about her world. She could feel things like this, particularly when her children are in danger. After conjuring the things that she needed for the experiment, an unusual feeling washed over the goddess. A feeling of fear and danger. She never felt anything like this before. Her children were in real danger. A new threat is arising. A threat that they never had before.
“I need to go to the Oracle,” the goddess told herself.
She went to find Apollo himself, god of the prophecies. She found him riding his dashing chariot, which was the sun, wearing his dashing smile with some several pretty nymphs gawking on him in the backseat. She rolled her eyes and said, “Apollo! I want to ask you something!”
Apollo seemed surprised on seeing the goddess because she never leaves her creepy, dark cave where she practices her magic. But he managed to tease her and said, “Ask away, my aunt Hecate. Ask away.”
“Don’t call me that. I hate being called old,” said Hecate with a murderous look to the sun god.
“Oi, aunt! Your blood pressure!”
“I’m immortal, you-” she was cut off when she remembered her purpose, “handsome dear. Sorry for that. Can I ask you my question now, my favorite child?”
“Yeah,” answered Apollo lazily while winking to the nymphs behind him.
“And can we talk, privately?”
Apollo winked some more and on his last wink the chariot and the nymphs vanished. The two immortals were on Apollo’s clinic-office which was so bright that Hecate used her magic to darken the place a bit.
“Hey!” exclaimed Apollo like a little girl because he wasn’t comfortable of dark places because, you know, being the sun god and all.
“Just for now, when I’m gone, it’ll go back to its original brightness.”
“Okay, then,” said Apollo with distaste. Hecate conjured her own comfy chair and made herself comfortable.
“So, this morning, don’t ask me what I am doing, I felt fear and danger. Can you tell me what do those mean?”
“May I?” asked Apollo and handed Hecate his right hand as if asking her to a dance. Hecate nodded. Apollo then touched Hecate’s hand and said, “An enemy arising. Wanting revenge. Making ally with a . . . noseless, pale and bald guy? I forgotten about your world, huh. It was a very long time ago.”
“Yeah. That’s my grandchild, Tom Riddle. But who is the enemy?”
“I can’t tell. I’m the god of prophecy, I cannot say anything about the future directly. But I can say that it is a god. A powerful and ancient god,” the sun god said with a gruff voice.
“Merlin’s father’s beard,” mumbled Hecate.
“Whose beard?” asked Apollo, curiously.
“No one’s, I-I just wanted to ask you if you could help me?” asked Hecate, hurriedly.
“Oh. You don’t want to tell this to the Council?” asked Apollo, his dashing smile faded, his high-confidence vanished, and he seemed scared. He was afraid of where their conversation would end.
“No. I don’t want them to remember my world. I don’t want them to ruin my children again. So, can you help me?” asked Hecate, hopefully.
“Um…” Apollo stared intently on his godly fingers. Secretly, he doesn’t want to be stuck helping this creepy goddess in front of him, much more on fighting other gods or titans. He and Artemis stayed out of the last war against their grandmother; he didn’t want to be part of a war that he knew they had a little chance to win. But he also didn’t want to be turned into a farting weasel by the goddess of magic and there are always heroes, heroes that can fight the gods’ battles for them. So he decided on,
“How about a quest?”
“Well, that’s a good idea. Okay. But who will be the heroes?”
“How about the eight most powerful and famous demigods?” proposed Apollo since he would not endanger some of his children’s lives.
“That is really great. I need them two weeks before the ninth month of the year. And I want them to be allied with some of my grandchildren, the four most powerful, if you will.”
“Okay, then.”
“Thank you.”
Hecate then turned to leave, the brightness of the room was returning to its origin. Then a moment of flashback happened to Apollo. He remembered a woman, a magical woman. She was very beautiful. He saw her in Greece. She was so excited on seeing the temples. She saw a statue of the god Apollo and smiled at it. Her smile was so genuine. But Apollo saw something different with this lady, she was holding a stick! Then, he saw her conjured some flowers using the stick and the beautiful woman put them in front of the statue. He immediately fell in love with her. He appeared beside her and saw that the woman was still smiling but when the woman saw his face, her happy face turned into a shocked one. She was shocked because the man standing beside her very much looked alike with the handsome statue in front of them. She immediately understood that he was the god Apollo and she immediately fell for him. After some time, they had a child. The young woman named him Cedric. But the goddess Hecate realized what happened and she made Apollo leave the beautiful woman and his child in exchange of their protection. The god then leave. But after a week, the god just heard that the beautiful woman killed herself because of too much pain of her heartbreak. All of these came back to the god Apollo for just a second.
Hecate turned to face him. “Yes, my dear?”
“How’s my child, Cedric? Is he okay? You promised me he will be a famous hero in your world. Is he as dashingly handsome as me?” asked Apollo, his voice was full of excitement.
The goddess stared at the god, her eyes sad. “He – He’s… I’m sorry, Apollo… But he’s – he’s dead.”
The glint in the sun’s god vanished. The goddess in front of him made him leave the woman he loved and his beautiful child. And then she would just say that his son is now dead? He already lost her and now him too? A minute after absorbing the news, a single tear slid to his smooth cheek. He then wiped it with the back of his hand.
“You! You promised that he will stay safe as long I’m not with him. You promised that you will protect him!”
“S – Sorry, my dear. It’s not within my power to protect them from killing each other. I can protect them from monsters and vengeful gods but not from each other. He’s so powerful, handsome demigod. Many girls fell for him. He’s hardworking, honest, tall, fair-minded, and loyal. He had been a good friend to his brothers and sisters. And he died a hero. He’s so powerful, it’s just Tom was more powerful than him. I’m so sorry.” Hecate’s voice told him that the goddess was indeed sorry but it didn’t ease the anger on Apollo’s eyes.
“Who?” asked the god with a look of murder of his eyes. The handsome god could really look scary if he wanted to.
“My grandchild, Tom - Tom Riddle.”
“That noseless, pale and bald guy?” asked Apollo with distaste.
“Then he shall suffer my anger. Do you agree?”
“It’s okay. He’s been a real danger to his brothers. He killed them, mercilessly. You can give him any punishment you want.”
“I’ll send my Oracle, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, along with the heroes. She will not interfere to the quest but will serve as my eye on them. And Hecate, you shall promise to protect her from any danger, even from your own children. Swear this to the River Styx,” demanded Apollo.
“I promise to the River Styx.”
Thunder boomed, distantly.
“That’s my favorite Oracle, Hecate. If she ever gets hurt, I will do anything just to pulverize whoever is guilty.”
“I know,” said Hecate, “I would do the same for my children.”
“I’ll help you on this quest as long as that noseless punk dies in the end.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll send the heroes their prophecies now. You should go.”
Hecate then vanished with a blinding light. The brightness of Apollo’s room came back to its original state. Apollo then send Rachel and Ella a message through their minds.
“The time has come. The Greatest Prophecy has arrived and it will happen very soon. The prophecy that will merge the worlds.”


What's up, guys? (reference from the Spiderman: Homecoming movie) Just a clarification that I do not own these characters. All rights go to JK Rowling, Warner Bros. and Rick Riordan. All the usual, blah, blah, blah. Hope you enjoy this story and if you have some questions, clarifications and ideas to share, just comment it all down. I'll really love to know what you think of this story. 

And for the artists out there or to those people who are good in photo or picture editing, it's your time to shine. It's not money involve but this story really needs a descent book cover. Unfortunately, I don't have an editing app and even if I have, I wouldn't know what to do. So if you guys want to share your awesomeness just send me your book cover for this book, The Greatest Prophecy!! 

I think that's all. My author's note is now longer than the story. I think I'll end it here. Enjoy reading! Nox. -FandomsCrossed

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