Avengers meet the seven

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Tony's POV

"Well avengers, those that are actually here, I have a mission for you," Nick Fury says.

"Okay, and the mission is?" Clint asks. Fury chucks seven files onto the desk. I need you to capture these people. I grab the first file. It reads:

Suspect Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 18

Parents: Sally Jackson (Mother). Father un-known.

Reasons for suspicion: -

· A reported child terrorist.

· Was man-hunted.

· At Manhattan when the strange occurrences happened.

· Sightings all over America.

· Went on a trip around the world with family, there final destination Greece, same time the big storm occur and strange sightings by locals were reported.

· Etc.

Interesting. The other files are all similar. Jason Grace, Piper Mclean, daughter of the actor, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase, and Perseus Jackson. They all have one un-known parent. Thor choses this moment to walk in, eating a pop-tart.

"What is happening?" he asks bluntly.

"We need to find some people," Cap replies.


"Perseus Jackson, Anna..." Thor start to choke on his Pop-tart. Cap gives him a smack on the back.

"Why is that so surprising?" Natasha questions.

"Well Percy Jackson, he is..." he stops, "I cannot tell you sorry, I can't help you with this." He walks out of the room.

"Well that was weird," Clint states.

"He said Percy, not Perseus like he knows him," I pipe up. Fury has watched this whole exchange. A screen behind him lights up. We turn to the screen, an agent from S.H.E.I.L.D appears.

"Sir we have sightings of the people you want," the agent says, "At central Park."

"Thank you," Fury replies. He hangs up the call, and turns to the team and I,

"You know your mission," he says, "Go!" The avenger sprint out of the room. I suit up.

"Team where are you stationed?" I ask.

"Garage, with Cap ready to go," Natasha replies.

"I am in the plane," says Clint.

"I am with him," Scarlett adds.

"Okay avengers roll out," I command. I take off flying down the street, I see Natasha and Cap on motorcycles, and flying above me is Clint and Scarlett. As we pass through the city I see people hurriedly filming us on their phones. Great I hope these guys don't use social media, we won't be able to surprise them. Just to be safe,

"Javis hack any social media, stop any images of us spreading," I talk to Jarvis.

"Yes sir," Jarvis replies. We soon make it to central park.

"Dial it done guys," I command. Clint and Scarlett jump out of the plane and the plane overs away. Cap and Natasha dismount and we meet up.

"Okay Jarvis tells me they are coming this way so Natasha, Cap you go in to reason, if not fight and we will drop in, everyone try to knock them out." We get in position. Natasha and Cap are sitting on a bench, waiting.

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