- Percy Mist - Part Two- Ending two

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So fun story, I found those files which I wrote all these on and the rest of the part of that percy-annabeth betrayal cliche story, that i wrote a second part on my phone. This ends happily ever after. Be warned it is unedited kinda long and cringe. Hey if you're feeling social how about leaving me a comment on which ending you like better.



--------Five years later-------

"To Percy," Jack shouts. My friend repeat the cheer. I take a sip of my beer. We out in a pub, celebrating my 24th(I think that is right if Percy was like 18-19 at the end of BOO.??) I think back 8 years ago. When Annabeth and I, that is in the past. I have met a couple of demigod's along the way but there doesn't seem to be a camp in Australia so I normally direct them to America. Of course I have met my fair share of monsters, normally kill them no trouble or attention.

"Thanks guys," I say, trying to keep the mood light. I pull a fake smile, but Jack has known me long enough to see through it. He pulls me to the side,

"What's wrong Percy?" he asks.

"Nothing, really nothing," I reply. He raises an eyebrow, but lets me return to party.


Jack leads me from the taxi to our apartment, I am a bit tipsy and I lean heavily on Jack.

"You know this time, seven or eight years ago I had just saved the world," I slur.

"Sure Percy Sure," He huffs.

"No it is true and I started dating this girl I had known since I was twelve."

"You don't have a girlfriend Percy." It is true ever since my heart was smashed my fatal flaw stopped me from ever loving again.

"I did, she cheated on me right after I had saved the world for the second time against the ground." I say waving a hand to the ground.

"Sorry Perce. That's bad," Jack says.

"Nah it is okay, the gods have a sick sense of humour you know, like first is had to fight a titan, then Hera swapped me for Jason a roman and I slept for a while then I went on a quest."

"Sounds wonderful." We enter our apartment and Jack drops me on my bed.

"Then we all met up and went places. Annabeth my girlfriend." I frown. "Ex-girlfriend had to recover a statue and fell into hell and you know what I jumped in after her."

"Percy you had a long night I am pretty sure the Alcohol is talking," Jack says.

"No it is true, our friend died and you know I have seen too many people die." I turn to Jack,

"You can't die you hear me," I demand.

"Sure sure, go to sleep Percy," he says.

"Fine," I calls rolling over into a deep sleep.

------ Jack's POV-----

I am up making pancakes for breakfast. I wonder what Percy meant last night. Clearly most of it is made up, but the part about friends dying. I believe that is true like when we first met, Percy was absolutely broken, since then a lot has changed. Percy has a great job as a well-known Marine Biologist. Like life is good, nice weather. (A.N Reading through this and just realised I said and to be perfectly honest the weather is never nice in Brisbane. Maybe once a year.) Speaking of the devil, Percy slants into the kitchen rubbing his head.

"Killer head-ache?" I ask.

"Yeah," He answers. He has not lost his American accent at all even though it has been five years.

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