The bin

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Hayden and Kieran walked down the street hand in hand quietly

,"so when your ready willing to..u..u know..get down to business" whispered Kieran,Hayden smiled and giggled.

Hayden moved his hand down to Kieran's pants slowly rubbing the hot spot..

Kieran stopped in his path and looked around..

in his eyes he saw a dark corner,which had a big green bin with a street light shining down...

"come with me" Kieran said as he grabbed haydens' hand tighter and ran across the street and opened the bin.

Hayden looked at Kieran with confusion.

"get in!"Kieran yelled.

Hayden climbing into the bin and waited.

Kieran looked around and jumped in,the bin was big enough for both of them but still it was dark and they couldn't see each other.

."this is going to be interesting" Kieran whisper...

Hayden stripped-down and do did Kieran.

Kieran took off his sock ,"bend down!"he yelled at Hayden.

Hayden did as he was told and bent down showing his ass to Kieran.

Kieran got his toe and put it in deep and deeper as the pain stung Kieran as he could feel his toe nail coming off in Haydens' ass but he wasn't going to stop now.

Kieran and Hayden came after an hour and they jumped out the bin,Kieran looked at his toe and saw it came too.He smiled and looked at Hayden.

"I made sure you're mine by leaving my toe nail in your ass baby"Kieran said as he smiled and walked away leaving Hayden worried if he will get an sexual disease.Maybe called "toe sex disease",Hayden snapped out his thoughts and realised Kieran was long gone.He walked home feeling penetrated.


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