Family meeting part 2

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After he ran to the toilet Kieran asked to leave the table as well..

He walked up the stairs licking his lips as he took one step each time,he knew what he was going to do.

He heard the toilet flush and the door unlock ,Kieran quickly took his change.

He quickly scooped into the bathroom seeing his cousin with an shocked face.

He's cousin knew.

He knew.

What was going to go down.

Kieran quickly turned his cousin over and bend his cousin over.

Kieran locked the door again.

Hearing the click,

He smiled.

He grabbed his cousin and took his cousin's shorts off.

Kieran looked at the ass in pride.

"god damn boy!" Kieran yelled slapping his cousins ass making it turn a little red.

Kieran laughed and then licked his ass then stood back up looking at his cousin move in shock at his actions.

Kieran giggled.

He then opened up the butt cheeks and quickly put his finger in,moving it slowly and getting faster as he saw his cousin getting harder.

"oooo you naughty boy" Kieran whispered as he fingered his cousin's ass a little faster.

Kieran got his whole hand in,doing him good.

Kieran pulled out his hand and smiled at his breathless cousin.

"maybe next time you will get the dick baby boy",Kieran whispered into his cousins ear.

Kieran washed his hand and then dried it.

He looked at his cousin seeing he were wanking off hard.

He giggled.

Kieran walked to the door and unlocked it,he laughed and then walked out the bathroom and when back to his dinner.Sausages and chips.His favourite.

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