The diary

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It was Kierans' 12 birthday party and he when he realised he was gay,he did everyone he's his diary from day one:

12 February 2010,

Hello sexy diary,

Am going to call you my sex toy,my paper dildo...

Am going to call you sexy names and rape you whilst you sleep ..

I am starting to see now. ..its all coming clear..

I like boys touching me..

In places my mother said "don't let anyone go there",but I do..

I find it

The naughtiness...

It's amazing;)

Anyway,I gotta go teas done and mummy has cooked favourite..


13 February,

Hello sex toy

I got something to tell you..

Daddy touched me today and I got turned on,isn't this wrong?

I mean after an hour I called him to my room and I played with him..i toyed him..i used him and threw him out my room afterwards ,I got what I needed..i need more tho,am getting hungry for more.

Going to call my daddy back up;)


--skip some months --

14 march ,

Heya sexyyyyyyy,

Sorry I haven't wrote in you for a few mouths,but today is my birthday;):)

I also fucked my best friend tom,haha,he liked it as well!!!!

It was so good...

His morning wood in my ass was tasty and just what I needed,so am gotta invite him for an sleep over...

So we can have more fun cause he knows his the only one I Want now..i want his dick and his only..

Its yummy in my mouth..

It tastes of milk..

Lots of it..


Anyway this is my last page and I wanted everyone (meaning you) to know am gay and proud,I fucked tom and my dad ...i liked it..and no one is going to stop me from getting Haydens dick as well;)

Cya for the last time:*

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