Auditioning (Dan Stevens)

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What if you got the roll of Belle from Beauty and the Beast and got to meet Dan Stevens?

(Y/n) P.O.V.

Today was the day that you auditioned for your all time favorite childhood story/film, Beauty and the Beast. Since you have experience with theater, you thought why not play a in a movie! You've had a few runs as extras but that was it. You wanted to take a next step and try your luck. For audition, you decided that you sing a one of the original songs. You were new with the whole main or side character thing so you were nervous. You rarely played as main leads but directors would always suggest it.

As you walked to the building where they held the auditions, you gave yourself some pep talk and tried your best to calm yourself down.

Once you reached the front door, you took a deep breath then exhaled, reaching for the door handle but then-


The door swung open hitting you in the face making you fall on your bottom.

"Uh ow..." you groaned as you felt the bridges of your nose in pain.

"Oh jeez I'm so sorry!" An oddly familiar (and attractive) British man's voice said then you felt strong arms help you up.

"Oh no it's fine. All I wanted to do was open a door anyways." You said sarcastically then groaned as your nose hurt.

"Oh dear. I am terribly sorry." He apologized again. As you rubbed your nose you opened your eyes to take a peek at the man who slam the door on you and you met with sky blue, mesmerizing eyes.

"Oh...uh...hi." You awkwardly said smiling goofily and stepping back a little. He looked really familiar. He had blonde hair, was tall, had blue eyes... I just can't put my finger on it, I know I know him from somewhere, you thought.

He chuckled at your smile.
"Hello. How is your -um- nose?" He asked letting go of you.

"I think it's fine." You said putting you hand down as it started to feel better.

Suddenly, you felt something drip down from your nose. The man now had a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh no. Your nose is bleeding!" He said slightly with panic in his tone. You lift a hand to your nose and it was true, your right nose was bleeding but not too serious though. You pinched your nose with one hand , head tilted up and the other hand in your bag trying to find a piece of tissue.

As you closed your eyes in frustration you suddenly felt a piece of cloth on your nose. You tilt your head back down and met with the blue eyes of the man yet again.

" this your hanker chief?" You asked holding it yourself.

"Yeah, I wasn't able to find any tissue in time and I couldn't just leave you bleeding like that so yeah." He said and put his hands in his jeans pockets then ended with a shrug and a smile making you smile as well.

"Well thank you. I'll buy you a new one later." You said as you wiped the last drip of blood from your nose , relieved as it stopped bleeding.

"Oh no need for that." He insisted. But you wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Yes, there is need for that. Just think of it as a thank you gift." You said.

"If you say so." He shrugged. You nodded.

"Well then, may I know the name of my knight in shining armor?" You asked with a smile.

"Stevens. Dan Stevens, at your service." He ended with a bow.

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