We meet again(Sir Lancelot)

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Backstory: Morgana Le Fay was your mother's name. But you half brother, King Arthur, would always call you after her name because you were a sorceress, just like her. Sadly, she was burnt to death by the villagers of the town, for they thought that she was cursed and dangerous, and they never got to know the truth of her magnificent powers. They only saw her as a monster, just like Arthur to you.
Arthur's parents took you in and cared for you, but after they passed and the throne was passed on to him, he took this opportunity to finally let out his hatred towards you. He'd lock you in the dungeon, torture you, but you'd always find a way to get away and leave the castle.
And whenever you do, you'd always come across a boy your age with golden hair and sky blue eyes. You've gone close to him and practically grew up with him, until your time came. You were found by your half brother, Arthur. He has had it with you and finally put an end to you. Until this day...

~in the British Museum~

You gasped as air enters your lungs for what felt like the first time. Once you've leveled your breathing and adjusted your eye sight to the brightness, you looked around taking into your surroundings.

"Where am I?" You wondered to yourself out loud.

You were in a room that somewhat looked like your half brothers castle. But it was also filled with other things that you didn't quite understand. You looked to your left and saw a sign.

Morgana Le Fay

It read. You felt your blood boil at the name but calmed yourself. You reached for it to take a closer look at it but your hand hit something not allowing you to continue any further. You tried a different side but realized the same thing would just happen.

You looked closely at what you were standing in and saw a slight reflection of yourself as the light shined through. You were in a glass box. You thought about blasting the glass away, but then nothing would come out of your hands. You tried and tried but it was useless, you were powerless.

"What sorcery is this?" You exclaimed. You were about to break the glass but then a woman's voice stopped you to.

"Wait!" She said. You looked up and saw a woman in a strange uniform running towards you.
"It can open *pant* from the inside *pant*" She said out of breath. You shot her a confused look but then saw a silver pulley mechanism just in the lower left of the box. You pulled on it unlocking and freeing you from the glass prison.

"Thank you Lady-?"

"Tilly. The names Tilly. And you must be Morgana Le Fay." She said

"Uh (y/n) actually is my real name. Morgana is my mother's name." You said then looked down once you mentioned your mother.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you in anyway." She said worriedly.

"No. No. It's okay." You said reassuring her.

"Well okay then."she said with a sigh.

"Anyway, may I ask where am I? And why don't my powers work?" You asked.

"Oh well uh first of...this is the British Museum..and second...well..how do I put this in a more friendly way...you are not exactly real." She said nervously. You were confused and surprised.

"What?" You wondered not believing her.

"Yeah...you and everybody here is either just a wax figure or a piece of art." She said a little sadly. "Sorry." She added.
Then a moment of realization came to you, the glass box, the sign with the name your that half brother would always call you... she was telling the truth.

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