The Guest (David Colins)

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The Guest

(Dan Stevens) David Colins x (assassin)Reader

It was a sunny saturday morning . A perfect day to be outside and just be around nature, or something like that. Well...for most people. You, on the other hand, stayed in doors with the curtains closed, sitting on your living room couch with your legs stretched out on the coffee table, your laptop on your lap and your favorite song playing on your phone, wearing only your pjs.(a/n: how many of you can relate to that?😂)

Now this is how to spend a weekend, you thought, away from all the killing and stealing and torturing. Being a fully trained assassin wasn't easy. But what else do you expect from being a high class, badass, greatass assassin/soldier.

Back then, you used to work for the army. You were the best of the best at what you did. Then one day, a bunch of men in lab coats and FBI agents came and took a few soldiers with them back to their 'lab'. Your two best buds in the army and you being in that group.

You, Caleb Peterson and David Colins were the closest of friends and the best soldiers. When ever there was an assignment, the general would always point to the three of you first. Unfortunately, that 'trip' to the lab, changed everything. In turns out that the scientists weren't exactly who they said they were. You three ended up as lab rats in the so called 'program'. Fortunately, you were able to escape. Unfortunately, Caleb died in the explosion that was supposed to get the three of you out, David disappeared without leaving a trace or contacting you. You just assumed that he left the two of you for dead.
You held a grudge on him ever since. Caleb was close to you, and so was David, but he just left the two of you in the explosion, Caleb was able to save you but he couldn't save himself.

But that's all in the past.
Today is the day you can finally accept yourself as a normal human being. So the first thing you do is go on Netflix and watch a few episodes of your favorite tv show.

After a few episodes, you felt like your were missing out in the world, so you checked the local news in the internet.


*from:yesterday morning*
Earlier today, just in the near the fields of the city....Laura Peterson a wife and mother of two, was stabbed to death by an unknown criminal......please take caution in note that he is still on then loose.

*scrolls down*

*from:yesterday noon*
A few miles away from the city....a car accident had acured...the driver on one of the cars appeared to be shot to death and the other car was had no driver...the man who was shot was Spencer Peterson...a nearby farmer who so happened to pass by saw this and said that he saw a man limping towards one of the houses nearby...a gun shot was heard and a dead man was found in his garage...the man's neighbor said that his car was driven away after the gun shot was heard...locals say that it may be the unknown criminal...

*scrolls down*

*from: yesterday afternoon*
....The local diner was bombed....there were no survivors.......locals say that it was the unknown criminal...

*scrolls down*

*from:yesterday evening*
Local high school was set on fire....there were four people who were accounted for, two of them were dead, both stabbed to death...the other two were two teenagers who are well but injured...the kids were identified as Anna and Luke Peterson...they said that the criminal that caused all the trouble did all this....

You stared in shock as you read the last paragraph. Who would do such thing? I mean, yeah sure you would but you wouldn't spend a whole day going around town killing people out in the open! That could literally reveal your identity! But whoever did that somehow managed to get away with it.

Dan Stevens x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now