Chapter One

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It's hard to sleep. I finally give up and turn away from Marvel to see that it's around 2am. I slip from bed and creep across the floor before heading downstairs to have a look around. Peering through the first door to my right I see a large hall which I guess to be an entertainment hall. I follow the right corridor to the end and find the kitchen which almost spans the width of the house. There's a silhouette on the table in the centre on the room and so I flick the light switch on. Advancing towards the table, I realise that the silhouette is a basket of mini muffins. I take one and begin to munch on it before noticing a note attached to the basket handle.

~ Welcome to your new home! ~ Kimberli xx

I chuckle and finish the muffin before grabbing another one and looking around the kitchen, taking in the vast and mostly open space. Many appliances that we'd had in my home in the Victor's Village, but even more luxurious than I could ever imagine. I smile to myself, "this is my new home," I say aloud and giggle. Heading from the room out of another door which leads to a corridor identical to the one I came from. I enter the first door to my left and come across a large living area. A hologram projector sits atop of a fireplace with 3 cosy-looking couches across from it. I flick two table lamps on and search around for the remote, hitting buttons until the hologram television finally turns on. I flick to the news channel, thoughts of Annie still crashing around in my head and... surprise, surprise. There's a reporter outside the training building, peacekeeper vans behind her and Avoxes standing outside the large building.

I turn the volume up a little and try to search for subtitling.

This is Marjorie Hoverround standing outside of the Capitol Training Centre. The new hottest couple of the Capitol have recently left and travelled to the party at the President's Mansion. Rumour has it they left early to visit a new house that has been purchased for them - so we could be seeing a lot more of them, folks!

I scoff as a picture of Marvel and I flashes up onto the screen. Reaching to grab the remote, the scene moves back to her and she continues. I freeze.

In other Tribute news, our condolences go to the families of our fallen victors. One of the Capitol's favourites, Finnick Odair, was among the fallen. A shock turn of events took place as the two-time victor, Finch, revealed that she had received a little visit from the late Mr. Odair's love interest. Annie Cresta supposedly tried to bribe Finch into bringing back the father of her unborn. Peacekeepers are reportedly inside the building behind me at this very moment, trying to bring Annie out of her room as she seems to have barricaded herself inside. Oh! Here she comes now. Annie, was this allegation true? Did you really want Finnick back? Was it truly neccessary to bribe a two-time Victor for yourself?

The reporter bombards her with more and more questions to the point that Annie just breaks down and gets into a peacekeeper's van before it speeds off. I turn the television off and skulk back upstairs, no longer feeling eager to look around the rest of the house. I clamber into bed and cuddle up to my boyfriend, sighing and trying to get back to sleep.


A few hours later, I wake up in a cold sweat, short of breath. I'm sat on Marvel's lap in bed and he's hugging me tight, rocking me. I wipe tears from my eyes before mumbling something along the lines of, "what just happened?"

He doesn't give me a straight answer, just strokes my hair and continues rocking us side to side. I rest my head on his shoulder. A couple of minutes later, I push myself from him, pacing about the floor trying to remember what had happened. I'd turned the television of and crawled back to bed, Annie visited me and then I fell asleep.

No. I fell asleep and then Annie visited me. She taunted me about giving her up, told me how anything that happened to her from now on would be my fault and how it would all come back to me. Thoughts of Finnick's death plagued my mind and her words echoed. Was it really my thought? I'd won Marvel back and that was fair, right?

Marvel gets out of bed and hugs me from behind, resting his head atop of mine. I smile and wrap my arms backwards around his waist.

"Let's get ready, shall we? Can't miss the grand tour of our new home!" he chimes, pulling away from me and searching a chest of drawers for some clothes. I pull a sweater from the wardrobe along with some baggy trousers and hop into the en-suite shower before grabbing Marvel's hand and heading downstairs to the living room to meet Kimberli.

Fleeting Decisions (Foxface/Marvel Book Three) THGFicWhere stories live. Discover now