Butchercup continued

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No one prov:

It is now Thursday morning when Katie starts to wake up to the sound of her updated IPhone ringing. She looks at it lazily once and puts it down. A moment later she jumps out of bed picking up her phone to see messages...

Katie (aka Buttercup) prov

I look at my phone to see the messages are from the Puff group chat, 'I wonder what's going on?' I then unlock my phone and look at the messages.

Puff chat

Bloss: girls we may have a problem...

Me: what happened?

Bash: Bloss?

Brenna: this better be good!

Bubbs: is this about what you discovered Blossom?

Bloss: yeah...

Me: well?

Bash: spit it out Bloss!

Bloss: girls those boys we were fighting...

Brenna: you mean the rrbz?

Me: what about them Bloss?

Bloss: well I found out that they are our counterparts...

I freeze what did she just say? I re-read the message to make sure, 'what the fuck!'

Bash: WHAT!

Brenna: HOW!



Now you know Bubbles is mad when she put it in all caps...

Bloss: thanks bubbs!

Bubbs: NP

Bloss: okay the counterparts are-
Me and Brick
Bash and Blasts
Brenna and Bryan
Bubbs and Boomer
& Bc and Butch...

My heart skips a beat, 'that guy! The guy with the green eyes who kept calling me Butterfly!'

Bash: yeah I didn't see that comin'

Brenna: neither did I! Just wow!

Me: okay as much as I would love to chat about this I got to get ready for school because soccer tryouts are today and coach wants me there early!

Bloss: oh yeah! How's the team this year?

Me: their okay... coach wants me to help them out and get them ready for the season.

Brenna: oh that reminds me I have Boxing tryouts today!

Bubbs: and I have art tryouts because they only accept the best of the best apparently!

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