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(Y/N) Pov
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It is the next day now. Yesterday was so much fun. Mark came over, we dressed him up, ate, took pictures, played games, and then he changed back and went to his dorm. Right now, we are currently at the office, working with a song writer that PD-Nim had to help us write songs.
      "So what is your debut album going to be about? The songs all depend on what the album is about." A song write asked.
      "Well, PD-Nim wanted us to write songs about something having to do with childhood or something like one of BTS' albums about school." Lecile explained to her. Yes, the song writer was a girl which made me a bit more comfortable.
      "Okay then. How about I'll go out for a bit and while I'm gone, you can brainstorm some ideas for the album?" She suggested.
      "That sounds good. Maybe (Y/N) will start talking." Sophie said and teased me, making me blush and turn away from embarrassment. The song writer laughed and patted my shoulder.
      "Maybe. Hopefully. I'll be going now. See you in a bit." She said and left the room and right after she left the room, I hit Sophie's shoulder, making her and Lecile laugh when they realized why I did that.
      "What was that for?" Sophie asked through her laughing. I glared at her and crossed my arms.
      "You know exactly what that was for." I snapped at her, making them laugh again from my childish behavior. I pouted and Lecile patted my head.
"Okay, girls now calm down. We need to work on the songs!" Lecile commanded. Sophie and I nodded in agreement and started trying to come up with some ideas for the topic of childhood.
      "Oh!" Was what Sophie said abruptly to take us out of our thoughts. Lecile and I looked at her in shock, shocked from her outburst and she just looked at us smiling.
      "Don't just sit there, tell us!" I said to her and she broke out of her trance.
      "Oh yeah! Well, how about the songs will be about love, but it will be based on children games." Sophie suggested.
"Games? Like checkers, tag, hide and seek, and all that stuff?" Lecile asked.
"Yeah!" Sophie enthusiastically confirmed.
"Okay so what games?" I asked, not really having a connection, but wanting to see if I could connect love with any game she tells me.

She started looking around the office, trying to get her mind to come up with some children's games. After a few minutes, she didn't come up with anything yet so Lecile spoke.
      "Want to google some children's games?" She suggested. Sophie came back from looking at the office to looking at Lecile.
     "Yes please." Sophie pleaded, making me giggle.
     "Okay well my phone just died so (Y/N), search some up." She told Sophie and I.
     "Really?" I bluntly said, looking at her bluntly as well.
     "Yes and can I use your charger?" Lecile asked me. I stayed quiet because I don't really like people using my stuff.
     "Come on, (Y/N). Let her use your charger so if we split up, we could call her." Sophie replied to my quietness.
      "Fine." I said after sighing. I took out my phone charger and gave it to her.
      "Thank you. Now search up some games." Lecile said while she left her seat, plugged the charger in one of the outlets close to us, plugged her phone in, and came back and sat back down.
      "Already on it." I replied to her as Sophie came to me and rested her chin on my shoulder so she could see the games.

I went into google and searched up 'list of children's games'. A whole bunch of websites came up, but I just picked the first one. Before the website fully loaded, Sophie took my phone.
"Give it back, child!" I commanded her.
"Child? Woman, I'm older than you." Sophie said to me.
"So?" I asked. She rolled her eyes at me and then responded.
"Whatever. Anyways, I'll name some songs and you two will have to try to connect it with love. Understand?" Sophie said to me and Lecile.
"Yep!" Lecile replied.
"Sure." I said and shrugged.
"Okay," Sophie started and scrolled through the list of games on my phone. "Um... What about... Crazy Eights?"
"What's Crazy Eights?" Lecile asked.
"I think it's a card game. Isn't it?" I replied to Lecile and asked Sophie.
"Yep, it is a card game." Sophie answered. She explained how the game is played.
"That sounds confusing." I said.
"It really does." Lecile agreed with me.
"It sounds confusing, but it's kind of easy once you play it and understand the game. How about I suggest another game since you don't really understand this game?" Sophie suggested.
"Okay." Lecile replied and I just nodded.
"Okay... Oh, what about Simon Says?" Sophie said.
"I think that'll work." I said.
"Okay. Think of a way to connect it to love." Lecile said to herself and to the Sophie and I.
"So you know how Simon Says is played right? The person will say Simon says and say a command, but if they don't say Simon says and you do the command they tell you to, you lose." I explained.
"Yeah." Sophie said and Lecile just listened.
      "Well, how about the person that will say Simon says is the guy and we are players in his own little game of love and he gives us commands and we have to do it right." I suggested.
      "Not bad." Lecile said to my connection.
      "We could us it." Sophie said and then asked, "What about the title?"
      "The title could be 'Say It Right'?" Lecile said and we agreed.

Just after we agreed, the songwriter came in.
      "So, how did everything go? Did you come up with an idea for the album?" She asked us.
      "Yes." Sophie replied to her. The songwriter clapped and sat down in one of the free chairs.
      "Awesome! What is it? And remember, it has to be related to childhood." The songwriter reminded us.
      "Yep! So we decided to make the album based on love and children's games." Lecile said.
      "Ah! That's a good idea. Did you come up with a song idea already?" She asked us.
      "Yep, but I'll let (Y/N) explain." Lecile said and Sophie smiled at me.
      "Okay. Explain girlie!" She said to me. She said girlie in a good way so she didn't want to be mean to me.
      "Okay. Well, one of the songs is based on the game, Simon Says. It's about a guy being Simon says and we are his players in his game of love. He gives us commands that can be done in different ways, but we have to do it in the way he wants us to do it in, but the thing is that we don't know which way he wants us to do it so somehow, we have to do it right." I explained, sometimes looking at the ground, but looking back up.
      "That's good! Did you come up with a title?" The songwriter asked us.
      "Yes! We agreed that the title will be 'Say It Right'!" Sophie said enthusiastically.
      "That's great! So now let's work on the lyrics." The songwriter said and after a few hours, we were done with three songs for the album. The other two songs were about Duck-Duck-Goose and Tag. The Duck-Duck-Goose song is named 'Choose Me & Run'. The Tag song is called 'Running Through Hell'. The name for the Tag song sounds a bit bad, but we picked the word hell because the song is about a guy picking us to be his love, but he always leaves which makes us run to him, and this little game he calls love is like hell.

I tried describing why the word is hell the best I can, but I'm sorry if it's still a bit confusing. I'll try to make it more clearer in the future.



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