Staring At Pain

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Still Gumball's POV

"Chi Chi! Where the hell are you!?" I went up to the attic and he wasn't there too, "I'm up here!" He yelled, I went to the roof and there he was, "Why are you on the roof?" I asked, "Eh, its very beautiful up here" I looked around, eh, sort of. Then we looked at each other, 'Its great having you here," When I said that, he looked away hiding his blush, "Okay, that... um, is very awkward, but I think we should get back inside" He nodded, we got up and try to get in the window, "G-Gumball, help" He said, hes slipping, I tried to grab his hand, but I can't. And there he was in the water, he can't swim either!

Chi Chi's POV

Shit, I am so dead. I kept drowning, I can't swim, I know Gumball can swim since I saw him take swimming lessons. "I coming okay!" He yelled, I didn't notice that my arm was bleeding, I tried to cover it up but it just kept flowing, bleeding fast "Hey Chi Chi, are you bleeding!?" "N-No, its just a scratch- OW!" Shit, I felt something cut my cheek like its knife stabbing me, "Chi Chi watch out!" Gumball yelled, I look at where he's pointing and then pitch black.

I felt something warm, everything was dry, "A-Am I dead?" "No, but... good thing I helped you, you could've died now" I open my eyes, I was near the fire, covered in a blanket, and my wounds where already in bandages, "Here, Anais made it for you" He handed me a cup of hot chocolate, and took a sip, "What happen anyways" "Eh, I don't wanna talk about it" He sighed, I lay my head on his shoulder, he laid his head on mines. I can't get up, my wounds still hurts, "Ow, how many-" "About five or six... you're more like a brother to me, did you know that?" He whispered in case Darwin hears us. He got up and kissed me on the forehead, I was blushing wildly, I tried to cover it. "I'll get some hot chocolate too, wait here" He said as he headed to the kitchen. Why did he kissed me? Was it actually true what he told me? "I'm back!" Gumball said when he laid on the carpet beside me again, "Oh, you're bleeding" I said, he looked at his shoulder, "Um... its just a little bit of blood" He sacrificed himself for me? Aw, thanks. 

"You wanna play something?" He asked me, "Um... what games do you really have?" I raised my eyebrow, "Hm... I have a game but its gonna be fun" He walked to the kitchen to get a box, "I think its called the 'Pocky' I think, I don't use it that much, just for eating." "I know this game, here let me show you" I shoved him one in his mouth, "Mph, what zo weh do then?" He said with the stick in his mouth, "Okay... um... this is gonna be really weird" The end of the stick I put on my mouth he was totally blushing for sure.

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