twenty five

271 10 2

Bethany's pov

I walked into the hotel the lads were staying at and muttered a small and simple, 'hello.'

'Beth!' Michael exclaimed and pulled me into a hug and I dug my face into his neck.

'Mikey,' I whispered then bit my lip. 'I missed you so much.'

'Then why did you run away in the first place? We care about you so much. How could you ever leave us?'

I pulled away and stared at the ground. 'I left because everyone was freaking out. I couldn't handle it. No offence, but sometimes you guys treat me like I'm two, not almost seventeen. I care about you guys too, but as I said, you guys treat me like a little kid. I don't want to deal with it anymore. I'd rather live at that dreaded foster care and get abused every single day than be treated like I'm two. I'm sorry. I just had to get that out.

'And you couldn't have told us sooner?' Harry.

I pulled him into a hug. 'It would've made things worse. You were already mad at me for almost cutting. I wasn't going to tell you that you treat me like a kid. You would've flipped even more.'

I felt like I was pouring my heart out of a glass, a little bit at a time. I didn't want to keep secrets from them anymore, but some things I had to keep to myself.

'What things do you have to keep to yourself?' Tristan asked.

Crap, did I say that out loud??

'You did.' Calum agreed. 'Now stop saying words that you think your thinking and answer the question please. What things do You have to keep to yourself?'

I bit my lip. 'Jackson isn't my only sibling. Apparently my parents had a kid before they were married. A daughter. I've never met her, she's thirty something and has a family of her own. All I remember is how my mum would always tell me that I looked like her, her name was Susanne. She was selfless. She put so many others before her. She was twenty when I was born, twenty two when mum and dad died. No one could find her. We would've lived with her if she was found. But she wasn't. So I was sent to the care and Jax the hospital.

'I don't know why I'm telling you guys all this stuff. My life is messed up. I promised not to drag others into it, that obviously didn't work, because here you guys are.'


Sorry for the short chapter, but I really wanted to update this!! I finished Texts so I want to take a break before I start writing the sequel. I left off with a major cliffhanger so I have to figure out how it's going to go. Anyways...

There is less than two months left of school. Midterm is next week, and I think I have decent grades, except for English. But yeah.

I'm surprised I wrote this because I almost broke so many times today. I broke so badly Saturday, and I almost broke countless times today. And all the depressing songs I've been listening to have been making it worse. My life is just soooo wonderful. Not.

Storm warning,

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