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"So, how is it that I'm the only person who knows your secret?" Cole asks Violet. She'd finally got Emma to leave her be after an hour of her begging Violet to get up

"Because I don't tell anyone" Cole narrows his eyes "and I completely block out my wolf, so no smell"

"Really?" He asks "man that can't be good for you, your wolf is like a vital organ you can't just cut it off."

"Either that or I get found out by the whole pack house, and then everyone would know I'm a white wolf and Im afraid-" she cuts herself off.

"What?" Cole asks

"Nothing" she shakes her head. Looking away

"Hey" Cole say sitting next to her on a large rock. "You can tell me, I mean you might as well, I'm obviously already keeping secrets for you" he laughs nudging her arm

"Those. People who took me, I think they still want to take me back."

"Why would you think that? They haven't made any hard core attacks, and they haven't said that wanted you."

" yeah. I dunno. Maybe I'm crazy."

"Probably" Cole tells her. "But regardless. You have the pack to protect you, and me , and Greyson. Now lets do some training"

After almost three hours of grueling exercises, and changing forms, Violet and Cole make their way back to the pack house

"Heard Emma broke down your door" Cole laughs

"Yeah, makes it real hard to have any privacy"

"Do-do you think she'll take me back?" He asks softly.

"I do. But you have to stop being a douche. And stop messing around with other chicks, she doesn't share well."

"I know, I know. Those other girls don't even matter, they just, passed the time I guess. But her. Man she's got it all. Like her hair, her body,her personality,and she just got the fattest ass around." He says cupping imaginary cheeks

"Your such a horn dog" she hits his arm

"It's in my blood I can't help it" he laughs. With a small sigh. " I hope she still thinks about me"

"Oh that I know for a fact she does. She thinks you hung the moon still for some reason, you better not fuck it up again"

"If I get another chance, I won't waste it." He tells her. She knows it's a promise

They get back to the pack house and go their separate ways. Cole goes upstairs to his room, while Violet goes to Emma bedroom on the first floor.

"Hey girlie"  Emma smiles inviting her friend in.


"I'm shocked to see you up"

"Same but I am so embrace it" she groans plopping down into Emma's bed

"Here, I feel like you need this" emma hands her a crystal blue pipe packed with green.

"Oh thank goddess" Violet almost moans as she tastes the herb

"Did harken tell you about the date he took Caleb on?"

"Uh no? They went on a date?"

"Yeah it was the cutest" she smiles. Violet smiles too. Happy for her friends happiness. "I wish I could go on a date.... I saw Cole with Shelby today" Emma rolls her eyes

"I wouldn't worry about Shelby" Violet tells her "Cole is still obsessed with you"

"Well I'd be shocked if he wasn't, but I dunno. He's so annoying I wish he hadn't fucked up so i could still love him"

"Love?" Violet asks Emma blushes

"Shut up" she punches her arm.

"Aw Emma!" Violet gushes "you lovvee him"

"Argh leave me alone!" Emma shouts covering her blushing face

"It's a good thing!" Violet tells her "I'm happy you have someone you love"

"I love you to Violet" she smiles

"Yeah I love you, or whatever " Violet smiles back.

"Maybe I should start taking to Cole again. Maybe he's changed"

"I definitely think he's changed."

"Thanks for coming to see me Violet" Emma says hugging her friend

"Anytime babe"

Violet soon leaves and for once, she doesn't feel like going to bed, so she goes outside, to the edge of the woods.

After stripping her clothes Violet shifts into her wolf and walks no destination set in place. She walks in dense trees for awhile, until the trees open up to a cliff

She sits near the edge looking off the side her being in wolf form made everything better her sight was better, as well as smell. Her limbs felt agile, fast and strong. She felt like her. Like how she was supposed to be. No head aches no bad memories just the earth beneath her paws.

Her peace is interrupted by a low growling.

Violet is on her feet in an instant looking at the three mangy wolfs in front of her, they don't look friendly.

They all begin to crowd her, trying the push her towards the cliffs edge, but she pushes between them while she was doing so one wolf bites onto the back of her neck. She whimpers shaking off the wolf and swiping his neck

Another grabs her hind leg yanking her off her feet the wolf goes to bite her neck, until a deep dark growl is heard.

A black blur flashed across her as the wolf attacks one of the wolfs, Violet takes that as a chance to flee and runs as fast as she can back into the woods away from the large wolfs

She hears growling and whimpering behind her and once that stops she hears the crunching of leafs as one of the wolfs  runs trying to get to her.

Violet runs as hard as she can thankfully staying in front of the beast. She looks behind her to see the space between them. The wolf is huge and pitch black with bright green eyes that are some how so entrancing-


The black wolf stops in his tracks obviously knowing what she just figured out but Violet only runs faster, thankful for Coles lessons she weaves in and out of the trees, and successfully evading her Mate.

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