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Violet awakens with a head ache. It's not as bad as head aches usually are. But a strange worrying head ache. The type of head ache you get before something bad happens

Or maybe just the kind you get after drinking all night. She groans loudly holding her skul, making the body beside her stir.

Her stomach drops as she looks over to Greyson stretching his arms, But is relived to notice she's still wearing clothes. He sits up with a smile

"What happened last night?" She asks feeling like complete shit

"Well you had probably to much to drink" he laughs lightly kissing her cheek "Emma shifted" Violet jumps up to go see her friend but has to hold onto the bed post when her vision begins to spin. "She's probably busy love. And we need to clean you up"

"Busy with what? And I can very well clean myself" she says still clutching the bedpost for dear life.

"Emma also found her mate"


"Obviously" Violet wants to jump up and down from happiness but any thought of moving made her head pound. "Come on." Greyson says gently grabbing both of violets hands leading her to his bath room.

He lets go of her hands to turn on the water. Violet sits on the floor resting her head on her knees. Greyson leaves the bathroom and comes back with a drink

"Takes these, to make you feel better. Do you think you can shower on your own?"

"No, but I'm going to. " Violet says with a little laugh. "I'll be quick im seeing Emma regardless of coal"

"Have fun prying him off her, I have to go greet the alphas but I would like to see you again later"

"Is it today the alphas are coming?" Violet inwardly groans

"Yes, so try not to get into any fights" Greyson gets down on violets level holding her face in his hands "I'm going to be thinking of you all day so, if you could just let me know what's happening, every couple of hours it would make me feel better with all these people showing up" her heart swelled, shed never expected him to be so gentle with her,
To actually seem like he cared

"I'll try my very hardest" she smiles up to him and softly kisses his cheek. He smiles brightly kissing her cheek in return

"I must be going let me know if you need anything"

"Um hm" Violet Hums into her knee as Greyson leaves

She gets up from her spot on the ground, shedding her clothes and stepping into the shower

Greyson walks out side to see many people unloading cars and trucks.

"Good morning son, are you ready to get to work?"

"As much as I'll ever be, what's the plan?"

"Well it seems all the neighboring packs are having rouge problems as well, but this is the most targeted. So we'll all be on heavy patrol and everyday we'll go out and search for the rouges nest."

"Do we have enough rooms for all these people?"

"Hardly, well probably going to have to have patrols inside to break up any fighting" his mind immediately went to Violet. He knows many of the alphas from alpha camp, most are arrogant assholes who only want to bed as many women as they could, and Violet being so beautiful would be their first target.

He would kill a man for looking at her the wrong way

"How many packs are here in total?"

"Only six, we may have more show up in the following weeks, I'm going to greet the alphas , id suggest you do the same" Greyson only nods to his father as he walks off.

He walks to a familiar friend from his time at camp. Who is standing with a blonde haired woman with a plump belly.

"Harding! How are you?" Greyson greets

"Oh hello Greyson, this is my mate Lindsey, and this" he rubs her belly "is the future alpha Nina"

"Really? Congratulations, did you meet after camp?"

"Yes, I know it didn't take very long" Lindsey says with a smile looking to her mate. She was very far along at least seven months, and hed only gotten home 10 months ago.

All he could think about is his mate. He wanted her belly to be carrying his pup, to be able to hold her openly, and brag to all his friends about his beauty.

But he had to wait and he would for her
"Well do you need help with your things?"

Violet makes her way to the front yard after not finding Emma in her room, or Coles room.

But while looking for Emma she runs into archer

"Oh hello Violet, what's up"

"Hey archer nothing really have you see Emma?"

"Um I think I saw her talking to Greyson somewhere"

"Thanks I'll talk to you later, I have to find her"

"Of course" he smiles until his father steps in front of her

"Oh well, what do we have here" Violet rolls her eyes trying to step out of the way but he again moved to block her

"I have told you time and time again not to speak to my son with your whore mouth"

"Suck my dick you shit head and move out of my way"

"And are you going to make me you dirty tramp"

"Father stop she is my friend, go away" his father turns getting in his face

"Don't you say a thing to me or this girl I will not have my blood consorting with filth" Violet had to will her foot not to slam in between his legs and turned around and went in another direction, finally spotting Emma.

"Hey-damn who got you in a bad mood this early" Emma asks when she approaches her

"Fucking Vlad Golding, piece of shit ass hole, I wanna shove my whole foot-"

"Hey Violet what did I say!" Greyson says grabbing her hand. Which makes Emma eye her with a smile

"Okay in her defense he kinda is a piece of shit ass hole" Emma defends her.

"What has he done?" Greyson asks looking Violet over for any sign of damage

"There's really no need to go into detail, I'll just avoid him." She didn't want to worry Greyson, she feared if he knew what he'd actually had been saying to her her whole life he would probably beat him to death.

"Anyway Emma have to talk to you. Now"

"Okay okay lets go to my room" they say their goodbyes and they go to Emma's bed room on the bottom floor

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